Growth [Error and Ink]

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Warning of some kind: this is basically a rant about me liking Ink being taller than Error. Seriously, there is no other plot. Just this.


"Oh...oh my..." Error stuttered looking up at Ink, who was wearing a smug grin.

"Oh how the tables have turned, am I right?"

Error stared at him not believing. The growth didn't happen overnight, it has been progressing for a while now, but only at this exact moment Error realized how much taller Ink had grown than him. At least a head taller.

Perhaps it's because his brain tried to ignore it or something. But now standing face to face with Ink, it was undoubted.

"How? When? I don't even-I don't..."

"Pfahahaha!" Ink laughed. "Ok, you really shouldn't be that surprised. I started outgrowing you months ago. And now I can surely say that I'm taller than you."

Error inhaled slowly trying to comprehend the thought.

"My boyfriend is now taller than me."

There, that should do it.

Once he fully accepted it a small smile made a way onto his face.

Ink observed him curiously. He thought that Error would throw a fit, or be annoyed or maybe be in denial. He did none of those though. He just seemed to process this fact.

"Cuteee!" Ink squealed internally. Error was adorable before, but now? He was cute and shorter than him. A double win.

In that moment Ink felt a pressure against his chest. He looked down to see Error pressing his head slightly against him with wide eyes.

"What are you doing Glitchy? Checking how high you can reach me?" Ink laughed heartily, wrapping his hands instinctively around the shorter skeleton in a hug.

"...Actually yeah..." Error blushed out of embarrassment and laid his head on Ink's torso hugging him back. That was

Ink blinked in surprise, not hearing any complaints, just a straight-forward answer. Either way he continued squeezing his boyfriend with a smile, taking in how much different it was now to hug someone shorter than him.

The rest ot the day has passed with some teases from Ink being thrown at Error.

When the sun set, both skeletons were sitting on a couch doing their own things. Error was watching something on his phone, while Ink was drawing in his sketch book.

"Hey Error? Wanna watch a movie?" Ink asked focusing his eyes on Error instead of his drawing.

"Sure, I will bring the popcorn." Error got up walking to the kitchen. The question wasn't surprising, they often watched movies as an excuse to cuddle more.

When he arrived he opened one of the cupboards, looking for a bowl. When he spotted it he frowned a little. It was there...on the highest shelf...

How did it even get there? Did Ink put it there accidentally? Or intentionally...?

Not bothering to guess, Error looked around as if checking if no-one was observing him and then stood on his tippy toes trying to reach the item.

When he failed he tried to reach as high as possible, cursing quietly.

"Heck, just a bit closer...closer-!"

"Are you having a bit of a problem there? I heard you whimpering." Suddenly Ink's voice was heard and Error quickly stood normally, glancing softly at him.

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now