The odd one out [Bad Sans Poly]

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The last thing Error expected upon waking was a piece of paper, let alone lying directly on his face, covering his eyes. The sight, or rather the lack of it, was a trigger to flail his arms around for a quick second before the movement caused the item to drop to the white floor. Soul calming down, Error rubbed his eye sockets and blinked a few times. The action gave his mind enough time to comprehend the reality and he finally could eye the paper properly. The first features that caught his attention were the shape and the color. The paper was obnoxiously pink and, even more importantly, heart-shaped, granted the form was a bit rough. Error grabbed it, greatly confused, and read through the message he found on the other side.

"Dear, Error. You might not know it, but today's Valentine's day during which humans celebrate love, most often the romantic kind... We have been in our poly relationship for a while now, but we thought things through and we need to say something, something linked to you directly and today's celebration.


Error's soulbeat quickened again as he read through the note once more. Celebrating love? Telling hin something? ...Bad Sans Poly? His eyelights glimmered with hope but he quickly attempted to squash the emotion. Just because he had an idea of what it might be about doesn't mean he was correct.

He closed his eye sockets and took few, slow breaths, the glitches rolling down his body. It appeared he should be on his way. He didn't normally do stuff like these, okay, he never did, but if he was to potentially be presented with an opportunity that might just change his life for the better, he could at least try to make himself look more presentable. There weren't many spare clothes scattered around the space of the Anti-void, but Error managed to find a creased T-shirt and shorts. It might not have been an upgrade in the style category, but at least they were relatively clean and new. He has even changed his flip-flops to actual boots. His flip-flops to boots! That was huge. With a ragged breath, the destroyer opened a portal to a place commonly known as Nightmare's castle and stepped through. His magical means of transport lead him to a hallway with no obvious destination, fortunately, due to his ever-growing amount of visits, Error knew exactly where to go. Most importantly, he knew in which room he could find his friends with utmost certainty.

Just as he has suspected, the living room was bustling with skeletons, who were all cuddled up next to each other on their sectional sofa. The movie was playing silently on the TV, but it seemed that no one has been paying attention to it for a while now.

Error coughed, everyone's eye lights instantly moving to gape at him.

"...Hi, guys. I'm... here." He greeted them with an awkward smile.

"Error." Nightmare was the first to reply, one of his tentacles pressing the stop button on the TV remote. "I see you have decided to come in the end."

"Yeah, as you can see. Am I interrupting something?"

"Just Dust's display of love towards me." Killer grinned, he was the closest to the said skeleton on the sofa. Dust on the other hand smacked him lightly and shook his skull disapprovingly.

"You're not." He confirmed. "Though we didn't expect you to actually come." The hooded skeleton admitted as Killer placed soft kisses down his neck which made his breath hitch. "But we're happy nonethele- fuck, Killer." A faint blush covered his cheeks suddenly, and Error tilted his skull. As soon as Killer moved away he could see a small bite mark on Dust's neck.

Was he really not bothering them...? But they did bother to invite him, again.

Cross who was cuddled up on top of Horror rubbing his spine raised a bonebrow at them and addressed their guest with a small smile. "Come sit down with us." Horror nodded in agreement too and Error's soul skipped a beat.

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن