Chapter One

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I am Chloe Heart, twenty-eight years old. I am the youngest sister of the so-called 'Queen Bee' of the Heart family and the missing heiress. It has been ten years since Lauren heart, my elder sister went missing. Back then I was just a teen, eighteen years old and she was twenty.

Even police ten years ago and investigators did not know what happened to her. They even asked the Heart family for permission to look at her stuff. They found no proof of what may have happened to her. I lied.

I am the only one who has the piece of evidence. Don't get me wrong because I am not the villain here. It was a secret. A secret she told me to keep forever. She was already married and got arranged marriage to a wealthy family.

My parents do not like this particular family. They do not know sis likes their son so much. They eventually got married but sister was to be arranged marriaged soon to a proper husband. They got cancelled though.

I don't know if I should tell my parents the secret that I have promised that I won't tell. I have kept it for so many years, more than a decade. If I say it now, they might get furious at me.

Also they don't know that I become an investigator. I work abroad but my parents know I an a businesswoman which I am but they don't know of my secret mission. I thought of many people who might be mad at Lauren, our relatives, her friends, possibly that one she dated when she was eighteen, and her coworkers at the modelling agency.

All of them were actually interviewed but they really do not know anything. Country to country, I have been doing my own mission to solve what may happened to Lauren. I still don't know.

Currently I am cooking breakfast when an unknown caller ID called me. I hesistated to call it because you know that strangers are dangerous. I inhaled and exhaled. I waited for the person on the other line to speak after I answered the call not uttering a word.

"Chloe!", I sighed and laughed off. "Hey Britney! Wassup?!" I asked my investigator friend. "You should be serious. We found a letter, it's from Lauren Heart", my eyes widen as at what she said.

"Yes. Lauren Heart's letter was once in an abadoned factory and she left her phone there. You should come here immediately!" She told me to which I got out and drove my car there. After five minutes: "Chloe!" Britney called me to which I ran towards her.

"Here is your sister's cellphone and a letter", she handed me both and led me to a room. She closed it and I layed the letter and phone on the table and I sat down. The letter all brown, it was a short bond paper. I was careful to hold it or else it may accidentally rip.

It was folded too much. I opened it and it read:

'If ever you are reading this, better read it from the end. Since you found this letter, I bet you know me. Or perhaps are interested in me. Hahaha!!! I am Lady Lauren Heart after all.'

'Seriously, I had lived my life to the fullest but now,everything...drastically...changed.  I don't know what to say anymore. Haha! I feel my hands in pain while writing this, you see....I am in a hurry! I have got to escape from this place. I have been captured.'

'If you got this letter, whoever you are, you probably found were I last went. I...I can only say one thing and that is please help me!!!'

I clutched the letter tight in my arms. My heart throbbing in my neck so painfully. I tried hard not to cry but then tears endlessly streamed down my cheeks. "Sis, where are you?!" I asked myself. It had been ten years since my sister was lost and yet even the authorities cannot solve this mystery.

I promised to myself that I would find my sister. I became a detective to find her someday. And that day finally came.

I am Chloe Heart and I will find you my sister, Lauren Heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2020 ⏰

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