Chapter 83: Coffee

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One of the reasons I've been updating so often it's because I want to speed up the timeline and write a Christmas special 🤩✨


Btw there's a term that I mentioned 'trauma pain' and I'm not actually sure if it's an actual medical term. But I had a friend who has a scar and though years has passed, at times their scar feels painful. I did some research and it is plausible to still feel pain from a scar that has completely healed. It's more psychological than physical.


Enjoy reading!


Sunday - 10:05 am

A week past since my cast was taken off. I can't believe it's already November.

"I'll see you later," Johnny said as he adjusted his coat whilst I was hanging on the edge of the pool, "don't stay in the water for too long."

"It's therapy!" I push myself from the edge and did back strokes.

"I'm just worried you'll get a cramp and drown," Johnny said, "how do I look?" He did a 360 turn.

"Good!" I brought my thumbs up as I kicked my feet underneath the water to say afloat.

"We have a zoom call with Mom and Dad later, don't plan anything," he said and walked towards the house, "order takeout!" He walked inside the house and I was left alone in our backyard.

The mention of having a zoom call with our parents sent shivers down my spine. It reminded me of the time in Jeju. I was on my way back to the hotel because I was going to zoom with my family.

I dove into the pool.


I open my eyes and Chaeyoung's face appeared.  I quickly swam up and swam to the edge. I pushed myself up and got out of the pool. The feeling she was in the pool scared me.

As I approached the chair that had my robe and towel, there was an eerie feeling creeping on my back. I was limping a bit as I walked, but I didn't need my crutch anymore. I felt comfortable going around the house without crutches.

"I am safe," I said out loud, "she's in jail. No one can harm me," I wore the robe and tied the strap, "I am safe, she's in jail. No-"


"Goodness, gracious, gosh, why!" I turned to look at Johnny with my hand over my chest, "I hate you!" I took deep breaths and sat down on the chair.

"I just wanted to ask your opinion on which watch I should pick," he said and I looked at his hands. He was holding one silver and one gold. I eyed his outfit again, and it had earth tones.

"Go for the gold one," I said as I started to calm down.

"Thanks," he said put the silver watch in his pocket and wore the gold one, "did something happen? Why were you so startled?" He asked as he wiggled his wrist after securing the watch.

I glanced at the pool and then looked back at Johnny, "Her face flashed in my head," I said and had goosebumps all over, "don't worry about it. I'll talk about it with Dr. Choi tomorrow," I hung my head down and wrapped my towel around my head. I flip my head up and then stood up.

"If you say so, I'm just right here," Johnny said as I walked into the house, "you could always come with me today. At least you can to walk more and exercise your leg," he said as we both entered the kitchen.

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