Chapter 18: Confront

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Lucas' POV - Friday - 11:23 pm

Minnie has been avoiding all my text messages and voicemails. Mark would only talk to me if it's about SuperM or basically if it's work related.

I let Minnie be, because I know she needed time. But, Mark has been avoiding me all week and I don't get why.

I go out of my room and walked to the living room, Mark was sat on the couch. When he saw me he stood up and was about to head to his bedroom, "We need to talk."

He stopped in his tracks and looked at me. I walked towards the couch and sat down. He followed suit.

"Dude, what's going on with you?" I said trying to make things light as possible.

"You don't have to act clueless, I know she told you," what's with the cold tone?

"Yo, calm down. Don't forget I'm your bro too," I punch his shoulder lightly, "I'm worried about you."

"She broke up with me. And I just want to be alone," Mark shrugged and was about to stand up.

"Mark," I said and he looked at me, "come on. You gotta open up, I get you're hurting. But, I'm here to listen okay?"

He sighed and sat back down. "What did she tell you?" He asked and I shook my head.

"It's not my place to say. Let's focus on you," I smiled a bit, "we tell each other everything! Don't be shy!" I tried to joke.

Mark cracked into a smile for a moment, but frowned again. Progress, that's progress.

"How are you? Like describe how things are lately," I asked.

"I feel lost without her. My mind is always wondering how she is, if she's been eating well and the last thing I heard was from Betty. Apparently she's back on her meds and I feel terrible for that," Mark said and I was surprised about him mentioning her meds. She's back on them? I hope she's alright.

"Why do you feel terrible?" I already knew the answer, but I wanted to make sure what I assumed was right.

"Because I did that. I made her go back on her meds. I treated her poorly and now she's -"

"Don't make it look like you're this important to her," I snapped.

"What? What do you mean? It is my fault -"

I can't believe this guy.

"Mark, I love you bro. But for a moment stop talking before I punch you," I said seriously.

"Woah, what?" Mark said confused and I sighed.

"Just because she's back on her meds, doesn't mean it's entirely because of you. Yes, you affected her. But, could you stop that?" I shake my head feeling stressed out.

How could I let Min Jee stay this long with Mark? Was he really this oblivious and inconsiderate?

"Stop what?" He's clueless, he is really clueless.

"All you ever made her feel is that you control her actions. She could never feel sad about missing you, because she had to understand that your job required a lot of your time and attention, and that she just had to understand everything about you all the time. Instead of making time for her, you gave her the leftover time you had and that sucks man," I said and Mark fell silent.

"I didn't see it like that," Mark said softly and I sighed. "She must've hated me for that."

I shake my head and chuckled, "I doubt that. She's hurt and in pain Mark. But she could never hate you."

"What did I do?" Mark started tearing up and I scooted next to him giving him a side hug. "I messed up badly."

"Yeah, you did," I chuckled and he laughed a bit too.

"Will you -"

I moved away and shook my head, "I can't help you Mark. I care for both you and Min Jee. And this may sound painful, but it's best you stay away from each other."

"I get it," Mark nodded, "but do you think she'll ever forgive me?"

"That depends Mark, are you ready to tell her everything? You can't expect her to forgive you, if you haven't told her everything she needs to hear. I'm respecting that you don't want to share those things with me. I don't mind. But whatever it is, she deserves to know," I shrugged, "if you truly care about her. You would give her a choice to decide, that's the problem you made. You didn't give her a say or a voice in the relationship. You kept her in the dark about your life, whilst she practically told you everything."

"She didn't tell me everything, she didn't tell me how she truly felt about -"

I stared at Mark and he raised his eyebrow. He was confused.

"Mark, what do you love about her?" I asked.

"Everything," he said and I shook my head.

"Tell me what everything means," I said and he took in a deep breath.

"How kind, understanding, caring and sweet she is. She was always so considerate of others, sometimes that was her downfall ... Oh," well at least he realized it, "But she should've opened up about the things that bothered her. How was I supposed to know?"

I nodded in agreement, "Don't worry. I get it too. But, that's just it Mark. We both know how she can get, how she has the tendency to close herself off, how she keeps her feelings to herself, because she doesn't want to feel like a burden. That's why we need to help her out, why you needed to help her out. She didn't get the chance to open up, because she felt you weren't available to listen," but I was there for her and if you just saw how much she loves you. How much she tried to understand you every single time, you'd feel more terrible than how you feel now Mark.

"You really got to spend time with her, didn't you?" Mark asked and I didn't understand what emotion there was in his voice. Was he mad at me? Jealous? Upset?

I just nodded.

"I never told you this, but thanks for being there for her," I shook my head and he stared at me.

"I did it for her. You don't have to thank me," I said and he nodded.

"Then thanks for listening to me. I'm starting to understand a little more about how to get her back," Mark smiled and I kept a straight face, "I just have one question, do you think I still have a chance with her?"

Knowing how she is. She would definitely give Mark another chance.

"I think it's best you don't think about that and just let her have her space," I said and he nodded.

"Thanks for talking with me," Mark said as he stood up, "if it's not too much. Could you tell me how she is?"

"No problem bro. Well she hasn't talked to me recently either so I can't tell you," I shrugged and he nodded.

He walked towards his bedroom and I was left on the couch to think.

Min Jee was back on her meds. I can't imagine how hard things are for her. But she'll be fine, I believe in her.

I just hope she messages me soon. I miss her.

A/N: A little change in perspective, did you enjoy?

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