Chapter 33: Regret

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*trigger warning*

Jenny's POV - Friday - 3:34 pm

I was still in Johnny's apartment but I remained in the bedroom.  The only times I went out was to eat or use the bathroom. Betty came earlier in the morning to give me things I needed, but I requested to be alone today.

Fortunately everyone had schedules today, so no one was able to bother me. However, my phone was blaring up with notifications so I turned it on airplane mode. I couldn't handle talking to anyone.

Even when Johnny was leaving for rehearsals earlier, I just gave him a hug.

It felt like ... The moment I utter a word, I'd break and start crying again.

What everyone knows is that Mark and I got into a fight. That's what Johnny told me before leaving the apartment.

He admitted he knows the full story, and I personally stopped him from telling me. I don't care who knows anymore, I rather hear it from Mark. Johnny respected my decision, but he discouraged me from talking to Mark anytime soon and I agreed.

I want to know the whole truth, but even I know I'm not in the best state to talk to Mark.

Betty was currently meeting up with Heeyoung and Eun-Ae. I wanted to go with her, but I knew I was just going to be a downer. It took a lot of reassurance, but she eventually left me to meet them.

Mark cheated on me.

I stared at the ceiling and I didn't know what to think. The image of Mark kissing Chuu crosses my mind and I have to shake my head to get it out. The tears started to form and I sit up straight to wipe my face. I grab a pillow and hugged it against my chest.

Knock. Knock.

3:42 pm

"Minnie?" It was Lucas, "It's me, I have an hour break. I decided to come here, but I can leave if you want me to," he said and I kept quiet. "You haven't answered any of my texts and whenever I call, it always says you're out of range," Lucas explained and I rested my chin on the pillow. "I'll be in the living room," Lucas said and for a moment I opened my mouth, but I closed it instantly.

Lucas' POV - 3:43 pm

"She didn't answer," I said towards the group when I walked out to the living room.

I was with the WayV members. We decided to spend our lunch break in Johnny's apartment. We ordered takeout and we were eating here. And we checked in with Johnny first, before coming and he was fine with it.

I decided to not tell Min Jee that the others were here, so she wouldn't feel overwhelmed.

"It's that bad huh?" Yangyang said and I nodded as I sat down on one of the dining chairs.

"Do you know what they fought about?" Xiao Jun asked as he opened one of the containers.

I shake my head, "I honestly have no clue," I said.

"I hope she's okay," Winwin said and we nodded in agreement.

Johnny told everyone it was a fight. But I felt there was more to it. When I texted Mark, he didn't reply to me. I'd have to ask him later.

"Do you think she's eaten?" Kun asked and I shook my head, "I'm going to go and ask her," Kun said standing up and already walking towards the bedroom.

I instantly stand up and grabbed his wrist, "I'll do it," I said and he looked at me for a moment before nodding.

Kun walked back to the dining table and I walked back to Johnny's bedroom.

Stigma 2 | Mark Lee & Huang XuxiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang