Chapter 25: Girls

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Friday - 6:20 am

I was wide awake and staring at the ceiling. After yesterday's encounter with Mark, I kept quiet the whole day. When Betty arrived back from her date, she knew that I was in no mood to talk to anyone. We simply spent the day watching movies and eating room service, with minimal conversation.

And now here I am, completely awake thinking about Mark and Chuu. I desperately need to distract myself.

"B, are you awake?" I called out into the dim lit room.

"Is the famous Jen, finally going to tell me, what happened yesterday?" She replied.

I sat up straight and saw she did the same, "I rather talk about how your date with Winwin was," I smiled and she grinned. "Because it looks like to me, you learning Mandarin paid off."

"Well duh," she flipped her hair and we laughed. We turned our bodies to face each other as we stayed on our beds.

Betty, a trilingual queen. She speaks English, Korean and Mandarin. Betty has been learning Korean way before she met me. She has an older adoptive Korean sister that her parents adopted before having her. Her parents weren't expecting to have a baby, but they wanted their adopted child to still be inclined to their Korean heritage and that's why everyone in their family knew Korean. Mandarin on the other hand, well - she solely learned it in hopes she'd meet Winwin her ultimate bias and I can see she's glad she did.

"He's just as sweet, funny and caring as I imagined! But first! Let me tell you all about what happened in the welcome party, because I believe you passed out before I could tell you anything," she shook her head and I rolled my eyes.

"Go on," I gestured with my hand and then grabbed my pillow to hug against my chest.

"So ... when I arrived first, I was honestly really scared. Because Johnny was so sketchy in the car, I thought I was like with a pervert of something," Betty shuddered and I laughed, "but moving on. We arrived at the club and I asked Johnny if you were already there, but then he explained everything. Like everything and I was super pissed you know?" She shook her head, "anyway, before I could even rip Johnny's head off about lying to me. He told me to put on a blindfold."

"Was it just me, but I sort of thought of 50 shades of gray?" I said and we both laughed.

"Not gonna lie, I did too. So I was saying," she took a moment to think, "Ah! I put on the blindfold, and since I was already thinking how Johnny must be a closet pervert, I threatened to kick him where it hurts if he tried to do any funny business," I laughed as she continued her story, "Johnny slowly leads me in and I felt cold!"

"Same!" I said and we both laughed.

"And then we were I guess in the center of the room when he let me go. Which was truly terrifying, but then he told me to take off the blindfold and as you saw in Chenle's footage - you're right by the way, the dreamies are the best at catching your most embarrassing moments. I freaking screamed!" I laughed at how dramatic Betty was telling the story, "I thought I'd have a heart attack!"

"Such a drama queen," I shake my head and she laughed.

"Johnny then explained to me how they were meant to surprise the both of us at the same time, but since you-know-who needed to talk to you. The plans changed a bit," I nodded my head in understanding, "after that since I really don't know anyone - well the other two members that I know was with you so yeah, no one. Johnny, introduced me to the 18 members and "coincidentally"," Betty did air quotes, "the last member he made me meet was Winwin, and he did exactly what he did to you. HE LEFT ME! ALONE WITH STRANGERS!"

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