Me Too

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*smirks in author* Hi. Bye. Loves!!


My toes moved! I keep trying to get my eyes to open but so far haven't been very successful. Dr. Roberts was talking to me the entire time I was getting more tests done. "You know I've been looking into you." His voice light with humour. "You're good. Really good. When we brought the Henshaw boy into the Academy I was sure that he was the best of his generation but he isn't."

Dr. Roberts paused for a moment to listen to the nurse. "From what I can gather, and that isn't much, he helped you originally. I'd bet that you got to the level you did because you wanted a way out." His large, wrinkled hand brushes across my forehead. "I don't know the details but I do know your history. Bones really do tell a lot. When you get moving again I'll be there to help you. All of those boys mean a great deal to me and you, little bird, are starting to as well."

Once we get back to my room Dr. Roberts says a quick hello to Crawler and Victor before leaving. Victor's long, warm fingers wrap around my hand tightly and he places a kiss on the back of it. "Princess, you scared the hell out of me. I walked in here and you were gone. Next time you do that I want to see those pretty green eyes afterwards." I chuckle internally at his wording. Not if but when. My sweet Knight has accepted I'll scare him again. I want to hug him but I can't yet. To appease my heart I try and twitch my finger again and it works! Every day I can do that more and more. Today I also moved my toes!

Crawler picks up my other hand and sweeps his fingers across my forehead. "Vic, you know what I find hilarious?" Victor makes a noise of question. "Before this whole thing none of us even tried to touch her save a few key instances." Victor lets out a rough laugh before sighing. "You still aren't sleeping are you?"

Victor's voice is filled with pain as he answers. "I'm trying. Kota helps some but I feel like I need to stop staying there. He isn't getting enough sleep because I keep him awake. I just need to get over it." I internally stiffen because someone just walked in but hasn't made a noise yet. "I mean really this is getting pathetic. It's been months and I can't sleep alone?"

"Victor Morgan! No. Just no. You are not, nor have you ever been a burden to me. You should stay as long as you need me because I am going to be blunt. While yes I wake up when you do, I don't sleep at ALL knowing you could be hurting with no one around to help." Kota's commanding voice cuts through the air like a burning blade touching butter. Victor freezes beside me and I can feel the tension surrounding him. As his hand slips through mine I try and squeeze it reassuringly but can't manage it this time. "Please don't ever say that. I am always, ALWAYS, here for you." It felt like he wanted to say something else but Victor's hasty retreat prevented that.

With a heavy sigh Kota sank into Victor's now empty chair. Crawler squeezes my shoulder before putting more weight onto the bed. Probably leaning closer to Kota. "So." He pauses and I can hear the smile in his voice. "When did you figure it out?" Kota sputters slightly beside me. The heat emitting from him gives away the deep blush. I can't see it but I can sure as shit feel it. "Because let me just be the first to say that y'all could make it work." Skin meets skin in a dull thud. I think Kota dropped his head into his hands.

His muffled voice confirmed my theory. "No. I can't and I won't even entertain the idea. He's healing and needs a FRIEND right now." With a deep inhale his next words seemed rushed. As if he didn't want to say them but felt he had to. "It'snotlikeitmattersanywaybecausehewouldneverfeelthesame." Crawler gives a long suffering sigh before standing and going over to Kota. He sits down on the edge of my bed facing Kota.

"I get it but let's pretend for a moment that that isn't true. If he did feel the same what would you do? Anything different?" Kota took a moment before answering.

"Honestly? Very little. I just want to be able to help him during the day as I do at night. I mean he's good looking and I would think that, well, yeah. That part would be nice but I- I just want to show him how I feel." A phone rings cutting him off and I listen as Kota speaks to someone. There's a distinct difference in his voice from just a moment ago to now. It must be Academy.

After hanging up Kota says a quick goodbye before hurrying away. "What are we going to do with them Sang? Everyone's a mess." His soft chuckle would have me smiling if I could. The urge to wake up is so strong I can almost feel my eyes move. "You know I have this awesome new project I'm working on. Victor has been a huge help but I need my Hacker." He lapses into a calm silence for a long moment. The sound of typing fills the air and I feel a small sense of peace for the first time in days. Even if I was awake that sound would be normal.
Brandon comes in after a while and sits down beside me. "Hey baby girl." Dropping a kiss to my forehead he sits back and puts his booted feet on my bed. "So what's new Cor?" A small moment of silence passes before Brandon removes his boots from my bed. Thank you Corey.

"Oh just the usual. Work, sex and watching our brothers fall in love and not have a damned clue."

"Please do NOT give me any details on the second item. I learned my lesson once already." Crawler let's out a dark chuckle and Brandon gags. "Now item number three DOES hold interest. Who this time?" The smugness radiates off of Corey in waves.

"Wouldn't you like to know?"


"And you love me for it."

I assume Brandon rolls his eyes because I know I would. I love listening to them talk about anything that's not me but sometimes I can clearly see that they know exactly how to annoy each other. "But seriously it's not my place B." Brandon grunts in acknowledgment before lapsing into silence again.

"Any new information?"

"Brandon you know that if there was I would have told you. We all got the call about her toes but nothing since then."

A head hits the bed by me. "I miss her." Corey doesn't verbally respond to Brandon at this statement. Me too Brandon. Me too.

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