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Book 2 of The Coded Series. Please enjoy. Loves!!


I need to move.

Victor is here with me right now. His hand wrapped around my own tightly. "Princess, I need you. The nightmares are bad, he-" His voice chokes off. After what McCoy did to Victor I'm not surprised. No one deserves to feel that way. "Brandon is helping me cope a bit and Kota isn't leaving me alone unless I'm with you. I can still feel him Sang. I hate it!" Tears splash on my hand as he tightens his hold.

I need to move.

I try to tighten my hand around his again. You'd think after six months I'd have given up but I can't. Victor needs me. I have to move for him. A sudden intake of breath startles me, not that anyone would know. "SEAN! Sean get in here now!" A crashing sounds as Dr. Sean Green crashes into my hospital room. He rarely leaves anymore. Though his boyfriend, Owen, has gotten him to sleep just a bit more lately. Sean needs it. He spends all of his spare time trying to fix my brain. So far it hasn't worked because there's nothing he can do. It just has to heal.

"Her fingers moved! I swear they did."

"Let me see. Just… just don't get your hopes up. It could just be a reflex."

"I'm telling you Sean she moved."

Cold metal connects with my chest as the flirty doctor goes through the check up. His cold fingers wrap around my wrist before his other hand slips into mine. "Sang, sweetie, if you heard him and moved please try again. Just try for me." I keep trying to close my hand on his. I want to MOVE.

With a sad sigh Sean starts to remove his hand from mine when I feel three of my fingers twitch in. Something wet drops on my face. I think a tear. "I saw it Sang. I saw that and I know you can hear us. Rest so that you can do this again. Dr. Roberts and I will run tests. We'll get you better pumpkin."

A few hours later I'm being pushed through a bunch of different tests and scans. Sean wants to make sure that he isn't going crazy. I think he needs my brain to be healing. The machines are so incredibly loud but Victor convinced them when I first started going through all of this to play music while I was in. He said he would want to hear the music. Corey told them all some of my favorite songs and musicians so that there would be a variety.

"See here? That shows that the nerves in this area are damaged. If we look at her last scan there are less damaged parts." Dr. Roberts paused and moved to another scan. I've gotten even better about determining where people are by the air movements, my hearing and my smell. "This part though. This part is dying, it's possible she will never regain the function of her feet. If she wakes and it heals soon then maybe but I don't know." Sean lets out a hiccupped sob. Shaky, cold hands wrap around one of my own.

"But she'll wake up. Sang will wake up."

"As long as things continue to heal, yes she will. I'll call the rest for you. They need to know."

"Thank you Dr. Roberts."

Victor grabs my other hand and tears splash on my skin. His smooth baritone voice wraps around me like a silken scarf. "We're here waiting, Princess. I hope you can hear me. Please know we haven't left you alone. We've been here for you almost everyday. We only left when forced and we still had people checking on you. I can't wait to see those green orbs again."

I can hear you. I know you've been here.

My Knight has been here more than most and I could bever forget it. I could never forget anything I've learned in these last six months. When I can finally move again though I'll have to be careful. I think I fell in love with a few of them but I won't tell them. If I lose one I lose all and I can't lose anyone. I need them.

Victor and Sean don't let go of my hands until the next group of guys show up. Luke and Gabriel are here for a while. They probably won't stay the night but I enjoy when they come in. Luke has confessed to me when no one else was around that he's in love with Gabriel. Has been for years, not that Gabriel knows this. Though I think the feeling is mutual. I can't tell for sure but Gabriel feels something for Luke. I'm not sure he even knows what though at this point. After everything he's been called by his blood family and strangers alike it makes sense that he would deny this feeling. You don't choose who you love though. They both deserve to be happy.

Everybody filters through in the next couple days but I can't make my hand move again. I want to MOVE! Not being able to move is killing me. I can't take care of myself and I can't help those around me. I want to help all of them so badly. My frustration keeps growing. One day I might blow up from all of the anger inside of me right now.

Crawler, my first and best friend, is sitting with me right now. It's just us in the room and he's crying. I want to help him. I can't right now though. "You know Hacker. Raven and I were talking." He takes a shaky breath in. "I know you probably can't hear me but I have to say this. I love you Hacker. I have for years. If you care for me in that way… well would you like to go on a date? Raven is okay with it. He knows I love him too." The beeping of my heart monitor speeds up rapidly. I love you too Crawler.

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