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A/N It won't let me copy paste the beginning pt 4 so I updated part 4 to be the full part instead of a snip-it if you haven't fully read it and want to it's finished now!

When we arrived in an alleyway Deadpool was petting a small cat. I webbed my way on his shoulders as I looked down at the adorable little thing.

"Baby boy... we should keep it. It'll be like a mini you!" Deadpool exclaimed as he picked up the kitten. "Wade I am not a cat."

"Yeah you are, watch." He suddenly got up abruptly causing me to jump off of him landing on my feet, the irony. "Cats land on their feet."

I face palmed, "and what would you name it?" Wade stared at me for a moment before smiling. "We've decided; Spider-Cat." The jazz hands were as jazzy as the name.

"Wade we are not keeping a cat named Spider-Cat when you already have me." I mean I'm not a cat but using his logic would imply- You know... I'm not a cat okay!

The cat meowed as it jumped off of Wade's lap. It jumped on the trash can hopping itself way up to the open window seal where a bigger cat was waiting.

I guess it already had a family... my face went red as I blinked realizing I didn't need to say what I had said before. "Was Spidey jealous?" I could feel the radiating satisfaction he got from asking.

I shook my head annoyed. "Spidey admit you were-" I webbed his face, I wasn't jealous. I groaned internally as I could make out the last of his muffled sentence.



Closest picture I could find of Spidey in cat ears

Closest picture I could find of Spidey in cat ears

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Next update is gonna be like Chap.1 keep in mind.

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