Chapter 22

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Wade hung onto me the entire time I had been swinging around, resilient? Yeah. Annoying? Again yeah! I'm top tier at answering my own questions.

"Webs not to alarm you, but you're kind hanging me off a building." Snapped out of my haze I finally realized as he gripped onto me. "Webs if this is one of your kinks-."

"I'll drop you." I deadpanned allowing my grip to loosen slightly. "Hey hey hey! It was a joke, sweetums."

It was Jameson's lucky day. Ready to drop him Wade interrupted my idea pulling himself up allowing his arms around my neck.

Giving me a moment to realize the situation before he finally kissed me, masks and all. It tasted like spandex, which, to be honest, wasn't so bad when you got past the rubbery feeling.

Who am I kidding it tasted horrible, don't try it. Cheerfully Wade stared at me as I lifted the bottom half of my mask up. As he went to lift his as well he released both hands causing himself to fall six stories.




Next is gonna be smut (penetration) don't want it don't read it. have a good day bye

and thanks for reading appreciate you

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