Chapter 26

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"You ever been ice skating before, Petey?" I nodded in reply, "once or twice." Each time I sucked, though. Even so third times the charm, right?

I stood up quickly suddenly sliding on my feet as I tried to keep my balance. "Jeez, did you just avoid the ice those times you went?" Wade laughed pointing at me as I slid onto the floor.

"I'd like to see you try." I responded annoyed as I looked up at him. And surprisingly he was actually good, even going so far as to do a one legged spin. Show off.

Pushing myself to my feet nearly slipping again as Wade came over to me grabbing my waist. "Just follow my lead, Webs."

       Eventually I began getting the hang of it as we slid. Now, usually once you start getting the hang of it you take baby steps. SO WHY DID WADE PUSH ME!

       "Look you're doing it! All thanks to my amazing teaching." Amazing teaching my ass! I couldn't stop as I slid eventually losing control swerving everywhere. Beginning to fall I panicked spitting a web at Wade.

       "This isn't the Titanic, Webs! We don't gotta sacrifice one of us!" He panicked as the web pulled him down onto the ice with a thud.


        "Hahaha!" I couldn't stop my laughter seeing Wade slowly slide on the ice. Throwing my head back as a tear started to from. God, this can't be good for my lungs.



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