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The air blew onto me as I flung from building to building- not exactly comfortably, Wade was holding on to my hips dangling as I swung. "I don't see why you couldn't have just ran." I mumbled.

"What's the fun in that, besides I got a good view here." He emphasized in a gleeful tone. I immediately knew what he was implying causing my face to heat up.

        We landed on top of a roof I pushed him off me causing him to stumble back, I hoped he could feel my glare that I was shooting him with. "Fuck you." I shoved my finger onto his chest. He always did this, flirt.

       "Fuck me yourself, coward." I straightened my posture not knowing how to reply, my face started to heat up more; thank goodness I'm wearing my suit. "Although I'd prefer it the other way around, wouldn't you?" Wade mused whilst slowly making his way towards me.

       "I-I-" I couldn't manage a coherent sentence. I just stood there looking wide eyed at him, by this point our faces were inches apart.

       "Is Spidey blushing?" He put both his hands on each side of his face, he'd made me blush before but never made me speechless. His eyes were wide he was gawking most definitely.

I didn't respond, I didn't want to stutter again. My face slowly started to calm down as I took breathes, he just stared at me admiring? He pulled me into him his arm over my shoulder as I crossed my arms, his hands connected across my chest above my crossed arms.

"We cool? Still friends?" Wade inquired quickly squeezing me a slightly. I was hesitant on my response before I decided I was unsure.

"Not sure..." I muttered, I was evidently annoyed; but why'd he care? He was the merc with a mouth, a very annoying mouth might I add.

       He gasped, "Lovers now? Yessssss finally!" I cocked my head to look at him shocked as my face started to heat up once more.

"Definitely not that one!" I quickly countered, shaking my head quickly. I'd much rather be friends than lovers, well for now.

       "Okay, okay, friends?" He inquired tilting his head awaiting my response, I let out a long a sigh. I shifted my head to look away from his.

       "Friends then." I half whispered, causing him to kiss my head still with his mask on. I looked forward annoyed, secretly flustered by the manner.


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