Chapter 8 Part 2

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Chapter 8 PART 2


Trees, bushes, stop signs, people, and everything else rushed together in a blur of colors as I raced down the streets towards Sunset Avenue. I glanced at the time, 2:37. Sky Eats Airplane was blaring out of my speakers, but I couldn't focus on the music. The only thing occupying my mind was what I was about to do. I was going back to Marina's house to find out if she watched the news. If she recognized my car, something would have to be done. As I flew down the roads, I thought back to Marina's beautiful face, her stunning figure, and those shocking eyes. The silver blue irises were unlike any eyes I had ever seen before. I knew that I also had strange eyes, with their splashes of blue green and their grey flecks. But Marina's eyes were captivating. And they looked so......innocent. My eyes must have looked anything but innocent, filled with deceit and malice, anger and hate.

 I was abruptly pulled out of my thoughts when a car pulled up right in front of me. I slammed on the breaks to avoid a collision, and managed to, but just barely. I then proceeded to swerve around the car and continue the journey to Marina's house. With my destination in sight, I stopped my car and hopped out, leaving the doors unlocked, so I could make a quick getaway if needed.

 I walked down the long curving driveway to the garage. I listened carefully for any sounds of life and heard music coming from above the garage, which was where Marina lived. I was forced to hope that Marina watched TV in the house, since there was no possibility of me getting into her room unnoticed while she was there. I thought back to the night I had murdered Azelia and Evan, and I remembered a TV in both the living room and the kitchen. I crept quietly towards the door and checked to see if it was locked. It wasn't.

                "What idiot doesn't lock their doors after their parents are both murdered?" I mumbled to myself. I swung the door open and walked into the house. As I walked, I noticed things I hadn't noticed during my mission.  The white walls, the lack of family pictures, the disinfectant smell of a hospital. It was so unnerving to see such a bland house, yet it was such a BIG house. I slowly made my way to the kitchen, looking around for anyone who might be in the house, although I couldn't see why they would be. I spotted the TV in the kitchen right when I walked through the entryway of the room. It was a huge flat screen, mounted on the same wall as the oven. The red and gray bricks that were part ot the wall behind the TV complemented the black framing of the flat screen.

                I glanced around one last time, making sure I was completely alone. I switched on the TV and quickly turned down the volume to mute. My eyes raked the kitchen for the remote control. I located it quickly in top of the huge stainless steel fridge. I hurried over and grabbed the remote, switching on the menu. I selected cable history and scrolled to the correct day.

                There it was, in big bold print.


I clicked on the PLAY icon and saw the timer was at 30 minutes. I watched the story of my car unfold, and realized she must have seen it. But maybe she didn't put two and two together I thought hopefully. Maybe she didn't connect the fact that I was the one in the car. Action would have to be taken, but it could wait. I was about to switch off the TV when I realized something wasn't right about the remote. The 3 button was missing. I clicked the 2 button and was taken to the 2nd channel, which was showing wipeout. I then clicked the up one channel button, but was taken to the 4th channel instead of the 3rd. I was curious as to why the 3 button had been ripped out, so I searched for something I could use to press down the button. I began opening drawers, looking for a paper clip, or small to press into the opening.

I was starting to get frustrated when I stumbled upon a blue paper clip that was bent in half at a strange angle. I straightened it out and looked at it. The end was strangely colored, but I thought nothing of it.

"Perfect" I muttered to myself, jamming the now straight paper clip into the empty socket for channel 3.

The screen went completely black, and then started shining white.

WELCOME AZELIA BLANC appeared on the screen in bolded black lettering. Azelia? How could it think I was Azelia? I looked at the end of the paper clip again and realized what I thought were just random colors were actually a series of multi colored metal plates, like the ones on a memory card. Clever, very clever. But what were the chances I would stumble upon this so easily?

The screen turned black again, and white words shone upon it. It seemed to be some sort of menu.





I clicked on the down button on the remote, thinking that was what controlled it, but the highlighted strip didn't move from profit. I began clicking every button on the remote, to no avail. The highlighted strip refused to move.

Damn, I thought. I found all this possibly great information, but I couldn't figure out how to get to different sections.

I walked to the screen and moved my hands around the edges, searching for any buttons that might be on the sides that could be used for control. I didn't find any buttons, but I did find a switch. I flicked it, and the TV pulled out and down to what would probably be the perfect height for someone Azelia's height. I bent down slightly and stared at the screen, wondering how I could possibly control this thing. I moved my finger to hover right above targets and then, holding my breath, pressed down on the center of the word. To my surprise, (but complete happiness) the folder opened. I hadn't expected that to work. I scanned over the information and saw a list of names, some with big red "T"'s next to them, some with "TBT" next to them. I recognized a few of the names with "T"'s next to them. All were people who I had seen in my report; all people who I know had been killed by the Blanc's corporation. Which meant.... "T" must be Terminated and "TBT".......To Be Terminated! This was HUGE. There must have been thousands of people on the list, hundreds with "T"'s next to them.  Some people who had been Terminated we hadn't even known about.

I was so absorbed in my findings that I hadn't realized the constant bass pattern I had been hearing  had stopped, and the front door had opened. I probably never would have realized had I not heard the beautiful voice come from behind me,

"What the fuck?!"


endith chapter 8.

you know what I want.....


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