Chapter 7

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Well, as promised, I'm writing again, the day after Christmas, because I'm trying to post more. So here's Chapter 7......

Chapter 7

Marina POV

Thank goodness I didn't have to go to the hospital.  Lord knows how I hate it there. The hospital is a place that smells like shit where people go to either

a) to die

b) because they are dying.

Just like....


Just thinking about my brother brought pains to my heart. Nothing had been the same after he died randomly that day. I was never the same person. It hurt too much.  My parents didn't change that much though. They didn't mourn him, or even cry at the funeral. They just sat there like statues, which I had never thought about before. I was so upset that day that I didn't think about anything

(A/N: as I was writing that the timed light went out in my office, and we have a black keyboard-_- this sucks)

except how awful it was that Chase died.  But I remembered that day with clarity, seeing as it was the saddest day o my life. And i definitely remember my parents not crying. Weird. Butnow they were gone too, so I couldn't ask them.

I was completely alone in this world.

Except for Jeremy, who was actually in my room with me at the exact moment I thought that.


"Yes?" he answered cautiously, as though he thought I was going to pass out if he said anything wrong.

"Do you remember Chase's funeral?" I asked, blinking the wetness from my eyes. I hated crying. Crying was for weak people.

"Of course, why?" He answered watching me carefully, probably making sure I wasn't going to go crazy and pass out again. Bless him, he is so sweet.

"Do you remember if my parents were crying?" I asked, even though I was fairly sure I already knew the answer.

"You know, they weren't. Huh, I never thought about that. That's pretty strange."

Strange indeed.

LEVI POV (I bet you're all thinking finally!)

My red Mustang raced down the familiar street with the top down, blowing my hair in all directions.

I had wanted to see Marina so badly recently that it was all I could think about.

Hopefully, seeing her from a distance would be enough for me to move on, to realize she was probably not worth my time. The first thing I noticed when my car was rolling silently towards the driveway of her  house was the strange car in the driveway. Due to my wealth of information from my hit job, I knew that none of the Blanc's owned this car, so Marina must have had someone at her house. I looked at the house and saw it was dark, but I also saw that Marina's car was parked in the open garage. As I surveyed the area again, I realized there was an open window on what appeared to be the second floor of the garage. I was always a skilled climber, it was one of the things i really prided myself on. So, grabbing abranch, I began to hoist myself up towards the window slowly, having to puase every few seconds to listen for anyone who might be coming towards the window. Soon, I could hear voices.

"Jeremy?" A voice I recognized as Marina's asked.

"Yes?" an unfamiliar male voice answered.

Marina replied quietly.

"Do you remember Chase's funeral?"

"Of course, why?" the male voice replied.

This was a strange conversation. I knew Marina's brother had died of some unknown cause, but why was she asking about his funeral. I found out in her next question.

"Do you remember if my parents were crying?"

Whoever the guy was that was talking to her paused a second before answering, as though he was contemplating his answer. Perhaps he was thinking back to the day of the funeral. But it was a preposterous question, of course her parents had cried. They were awful people, but surely they had feelings for their own son.

"You know, they weren't. Huh, I never thought about that. That's pretty strange."


They didn't cry?!

"thhose basterds!" I whispered angrily, momentarily forgetting where I was.

"Did you hear that?" Marina asked worriedly.


I jumped down from the house and ran wildly to the car, peeling out of the driveway.

But I saw the two faces peering out of the window before i was in the cover of the trees.

Shit. I was in big trouble now.


So what do ya think?!

 sorry it short, my dad is yelling at me and i really wanted to get this up!!

 I'll try to update soon!!!!!!!!!!





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