Chapter 6: Loose Ends tied tight

Start from the beginning

Once he arrives onto the separate docks, he pulls himself up onto the wooden blanks and ran towards the button and kicks it in and the draw bridge lowers and opens the path forward. Chris moves away from the button headed towards the double doors and removes the rod that locked them.

He then pushes the doors open and headed down the path ahead of him, he jumps across the gap, meeting up with Annabelle and Sheva as the government agent pulls Sheva up, Chris nods at them then walks past and steps towards the drawbridge. The two jump down and join him as the quickly cross and headed inside the cave, it was of a tunnel, but a ledge stops them.

Chris easily pulls himself back up, he then turns to the two and Annabelle turns to Sheva and held her hands out, locked in and ready for her. Sheva steps towards her, placing her foot in and Annabelle boosted her up. Chris grips hold of her arm and pulled her onto the ledge. Then he kneels and held his hand out to her.

Annabelle turns to him, gripping his hand and he immediately pulls her up and Sheva grips her other arm and pulls her onto the ledge. The three looked at each other and hurried down the path of the cave. But another ledge was in their way, but they easily overcome it, pulling themselves up and they continued down the path and it leads them into an open cave abandoned tents, and a gas leak fire that burns from the bust in the pipes.

Chris looks over at the tents as he recognizes the logo on the side, "Tricell? They fund the BSAA... what the hell are they doing here?" he mutters, Annabelle looks at him, "You think they're behind this?" she asks him. He sighs and looks at her. "Not sure... let's keep moving," he informs her, she nods and they continued through the open cave

they stop at one of the tents, looking inside ad Chris spotted a clipboard with information on it and picks it up and reads it over:

Type 3 Plagas Field Test

One week has passed since the initial field test of Type 3 Plagas.

Type 3 was designed to display dramatically enhanced physical abilities over previous versions.

The original Las Plagas had a special Plaga known as the control Plaga that would provide a host with enhanced physical abilities.

These control types were limited in number, and they always caused severe physical changes in the host, and thus it was not always expedient to use them.

From a business standpoint, this was undesirable. The idea was to create super soldiers without any side effects, something consumers wanted.

Gather teams are currently working on developing a similar product to Las Plagas for commercial use, but given the affinity Las Plagas has for human hosts, it seems advantageous to continue to develop it. Other methods may provide superior super-soldiers, but if they do not render the host completely controllable, their effectiveness would be limited.

Taking a subordinate Plaga (the base Las Plaga) and implanting a gene from the control Plaga created a new type of Plaga – the Type 3.

It is believed that if Type 3 can be perfected, it will become the new standard on the bioweapons market.

But that day is still in the offing. During a recent field test, a number of issues came to the fore. The chief problem is the ineffectual adherence rate. In adults, an adolescent makes the adherence rate is approximately 92 percent, the same for normal Las Plagas. For women and young children Type 3 has a 0 percent adherence rate.

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