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Dec Pov 

'Mae come here now! Don't run away from me.' I tried to sound stern but you could hear the smile through my voice. Finn jumps out of his bed too and chases after his sister. 

I jog out of the room and follow their giggles and squeals. The two four year olds run into our big bedroom and close the door behind them. I smile at their innocence, thinking I can't find them like this. 

'Declan? Are the kids in bed?' Ant shouts from downstairs. I laugh at myself and try in my most convincing voice. 

'Euh yea almost, coming down in a few!' I shout back, trying to hide my giggle. I hear him sigh and smile at myself. 

'So where are the two little devils ey?' I say out loud, hearing giggles coming from our bedroom. The door opens a little bit and two big, blue round eyes peek into the hallway. 

'Ah there is my little princess!' I went to pick her up but she swings the door open smoothly and the two kids run through the hallway down the stairs. 

'Ey careful on the stairs please!' But before I can say anything else I hear a loud scream and a thumb. It stays awfully quite and I jog towards the stairs, my heart thumbing out of my chest. I quickly go down the big stairs and then see little Mae laying downstairs. Just as I am almost near her, Ant appears in the doorway and our eyes meet before both rushing towards the kids. 

I pick Finn up, since he is looking very terrified at his sister. When I take a good look at her my breath hitches in my throat. Her little body lays still on the ground, apart for her little chest which is heaving down. I notice how her arm lays in an awkward position and then finally, I notice the blood on her face. I can't see where it is coming form but it makes my heart sink. 

Ant tries to make contact with her but she starts to cry more hysterically. I want to come closer but Ant tells me to take Finn away. I try to protest but I can see in his eyes that he's in control now. I know myself well enough to admit that I'm not the best person to call in stress situations so I obey Ant's order. 

I walk towards the kitchen with a softly crying Finn clung around me. 

'Heyhey sush love. Mae is going to be alright, she just made a bit of a stumble didn't she.' I smile at him and stroke through his blonde locks. He has grown into a very handsome boy these last four years. 

'Mae's head bumped stairs!' He mumbles around his thumb and closes his eyes to lean into my soft strokes. Her head? She bumped her head on the stairs. Oh god that can't be good. I curse at myself to let them go onto the stairs running. I should know to stop them, especially Mae who is such a reckless little girl. 

I get pulled out of my thoughts when Ant shouts my name. I sit a now sleepy Finn down on the couch and kiss his head before going into the hallway. Ant is sitting on the bottom step with Mae crawled on his lap. She fiddles with the strings on his hoodie. Normally I would have melted at the sight in front of me but my attention was drawn by the blood coming out of a deep cute on the cheek of the girl. 

'We need to get her to the hospital. She looses a lot of blood, her arm is broken I think and that cut is huge.' Ant whispers and looks at the girl in his arms, now going slightly limb. 

'Mae? Princess you need to stay with dada and daddy now.' She lifts her head and searches for our faces, her eyes dropping slowly. I rush towards them and crouch next to Ant. 

'Hey little one. Can you stay awake for us brave girl? We are going to take you to the doctor who will make the pain go away yeah.' I say while stroking through her almost white locks. 

'Sweepy' she mumbles and then her eyes roll back into her head. I look at Ant in panic and he reassuringly grabs my hand. 

'Calm down Decky, it's probably from the loss of blood and her arm. I couldn't find a head injury so they will have her fixed up in no time.' I nod at him, trying to believe him but still feeling very worried about my daughter. 

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