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Dec pov 

After Rose told us that she would be happy to be our surrogate things went very fast. The next week, we went to see Docter Waters. It took quite a while to get all the formalities done, such as signing contracts and conversations with the agency about being a parent. But three weeks after Rose told us she wanted to do it, we were at the clinic to give our sperm. We both gave some, and it was put togehter with Rose's, let's say eggs, in a laboratorium. We decided that we didn't want to do a DNA test after the kid is born to see whose's biological kid it is. However, the docters told us  that we will be most likely see who is the dad when the kid is a bit older since it will inherit looks from one of us. But it won't matter, we are both his or her dad. 

We were over the moon when we heard that not one, but two embryos were made in the laboratiorium. The docter told us that it was best to place both of them into Rose's belly, since the embryos have a high risk of not settling once they are inside her. 

Today, Rose has her first scan to see if one of the embryos did settle. The Docter already warned us to not be too disappointed when none of them settled. It can take some attempts to succeed, since it is a very diffucult process with very many factors that play a role. But I really want this to work so I'm nervous as hell. 

'Baby are you ready? We can't be late for the scan!' Ant shouts just as I pull my jumper over my head. 

'Yeah yeah 'm coming' I say while rushing out of the room. I storm off the stairs only to bump into Ant. He laughs and pulls me close into his chest. 

'Calm down my man, you are going to hurt yourself one day.' He says while pressing a kiss on my head. I smile at his gentle gesture and then sit on the stairs to take my shoes on. 

'I'm bloody nervous man.' I say while taking my coat on. Ant grabs my hand and we walk towards our range rover. 

'I'm nervous too, but it's not the end of the world if it didn't work right? We will just try again, you heard the docter, it's not unusual.' He says while starting the car and driving towards the busy streets of London. We have to pick up Rose first, so we drive towards her neighborhood. 

After we pick her up, we're heading towards the hospital where she will have the scan. During the ride, no one really says something. Which is rare, because Rose and I always chat away. 

'I'm nervous guys, I'm sorry if it didn't work.' Rose sweet voice breaks the silence. I turn around in my seat to face her properly. 

'We are nervous too, but never ever blame yourself. You didn't do anything wrong if it turns out that none of the embryos settled. We are forever grateful that you are doing this for us and we will never blame you if something goes wrong. Ever. Right Anth?' I say as I look at his direction. Although I can't see him, I know he's agreeing with me.  

'Dec's right love, we will never blame you.' He says, confirming my thoughts. The atmosphere is a little less tense after the conversation but there are certainly still nerves in the air. 

We sit in the waiting room for a while. I tap my fingers on the little plastic cup with coffee in it. Ant grabs my hand after a while and gives it a soft squeeze. 

'Please Decky, stop tapping, it's annoying.' He says while stroking my hand softly.  

'Well I'm sorry if you are not nervous Anth, but I am.' I snap, pulling my hand away from his. 

'Declan come on, don't do this now. We are a team in this remember.' He sighs and grabs my hand again. 

'You're right, 'm sorry. I just really want this to work.' I say and I put my head on his shoulder. 

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