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Ant Pov

After a very nice and calm Christmas, we get back to work on SNT and the upcoming series for BGT. I love being back to work with Dec, but it's also very stressful. 

We wake up very early, around 6 the kids start to wake up. We have breakfast and then do most of the work from home. Trying to manage two kids and get some idea's and learning scripts for the show. But on filming days or meetings, we have Rose or miss Smith. Miss Smith is an elderly neighbor, she doesn't have kids herself but loves the twins to the bone. She is always up for babysitting them, and we like to keep a trustworthy and nice babysitter. And she is even more than that, I think she will turn out to be a third granny. We insist on paying her for her help, but she says she does it with much joy. 

Today we have to take Mae and Finn to the GP. They have their annual check-up, to see if they develop properly. We will bring up some of the problems we have with Mae too. Although I think it is just a different child then Finn and we compare them too much. But if it will give Declan some inner peace too, I'm happy to ask the GP for some reassurance. 

Finn pulls me out of my thoughts by babbling a bit to me. They are 1 for one month now and really start to babble a lot. We think we might have the first dada and daddy soon. I put some trousers and a smart jumper on him. I hold him up high, checking my work. He looks so handsome, just like his daddy. I smile when I think of Declan, all the books and sayings are right; your relationship definitely changes when you have children. We are both stressed and getting less sleep, so we have much more arguments. Also, we have different views about raising the children. Sometimes, I wish we could go back to old times. But I wouldn't want to miss the children either, they are my everything. But Dec is too, he really is the love of my life and I kinda miss him sometimes. We should keep our relationship alive, because we are meant to be together. And I want my children to grow up and see how much their daddies love each other. 

'Sweetheart? Are you and Mae done, we should leave soon' I shout towards our master bedroom where Dec is with Mae. They are probably just laying in bed or something, Dec isn't really a morning person and loves cuddling with the kids. I put Finn down and hold both his hands, he slowly but surely puts one foot before the other. I smile proudly at my son and let go off one hand. He wobbles a bit and stops walking. 

'C'mon boy, you can do it.' I encourage him and crouch down. He just looks at me and then lets himself fall down on his bum. I smile and stroke his head lovingly. 

'Not a problem buddy, dada will just carry you eh.' I say while lifting him up and walking towards the bedroom. 

I was right, when I enter Dec is laying on the bed with Mae on his bare chest. She is fiddling with the couple of his hairs on his chest. I smile at them and then sit down on the bed next to them. Finn immediately crawls towards his sister and snuggles up to her. They giggle together and start babbling. 

'dadadada' Dec opens his eyes and a smiles displays on his face immediately. He strokes both of the kids over their heads and then tilts his head to look at me. He says nothing but I can see in his eyes how happy he is. He puts his hand forward and I grab it, stroking my thumb over his hand. 

'Get ready love, I will take the children down to eat. We have to leave in half an hour.' I say while getting both the kids off him. He nods at me and gives me a quick peck on the cheek. I smile and take both the kids downstairs. 

We have our breakfast and for a change, Dec is on time downstairs. I toss him a banana quick and then walk out of the house. 

After a rather tearful ride towards the Healthcentre, we finally arrive. Mae is still acting up, not liking being strapped on in the car. Dec tries to calm her a bit before we go into the building. We already getting lots of looks by being Ant and Dec, so we don't need to draw more attention to ourselves. 

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