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Declan Pov

We've been meeting several women in the past few weeks, but we haven't picked one yet. They all seem okay, but I would never be friends with them. They only asked questions about our careers and weren't interested in our wish for a child. Today we are meeting another women, her name is Rose and Anth already talked to her on the phone. He was very enthusiastic about her, so I hope this is the one. 

'Decky? We are here love, get out of the car.' I hear Anth say as he holds my door open. I nod at him and grab his hand. We decided to meet Rose at a local cafe to have a chat and get to know each other. 

'Don't be so nervous Dec, we will find a surrogate, I promise.' Ant says while stroking my hand. I smile weakly at him and try to swallow my nerves. 

We step into the cafe and I immediately grab Ants arm. After all these years of being blind, I'm still anxious when in new places with lots of people. The smell of freshly brewed coffee comes into my nose and I relax a bit at the familiar smell. 

'Can we get a spot in the back please?' Ant asks one of the staff members. A young voice agrees and leads us to a sheltered corner. I sigh relieved when I sit aside Ant. 

'I will text her where we are sitting.' Ant says, but before he can put his words into action a cheery voice comes through the noisy cafe. 

'That's not necessary boys, I already found you.' A young but confident voice speaks up. 

'Well you must be Rose, nice to meet you!' I say while standing up and holding my hand out for her to shake. However, she has other plans and pulls me in a hug. I'm a bit startled at first but then I hug her back. I can feel that she is a bit taller then me and I feel long hairs on her back. 

'Nice to meet you to!' She says while letting me go and then moves away to hug Ant I suppose. I sit down and gesture her to sit opposite us. 

'So Rose, at first I want to thank you for coming. It means a lot to us.' Ant speaks up while grabbing my hand. 'If you don't mind, could you tell something about yourself. We have read a bit about you but we want to really get to know you.'  He continuous. 

'Oh yeah ofcourse! Well I'm Rose and I'm 26 years old. As you probably have read, I already have a little boy myself. He's two now and he means the world to me.' I notice the fondness in her voice. 

'Sounds lovely.So, If I may ask, why do you want to be a surrogate.' I say while turning my head towards her. 

'Well, after my boyfriend left me alone and pregnant I had one good friend. He was there every step of the way and supported me the best he could. Last year, he and his husband decided to have kids themselves. They are the most loving humans on this earth but had much trouble in finding a surrogate. I decided that, as soon as I had my little boy, I would become their surrogate. But even before I had my child, they found a lovely surrogate. They have twins now, and they are so happy! I know how much happiness a child can bring, everybody deserves to experience that. So that's why I decided to contact an IVF clinic to help people like my good friend. And of course, I can use the money very well. Being a single mother is not easy and this money can help us out for a bit.' I listen to every word she says with all my attention. She sounds so lovely and honest. I can sense her warmth and I'm already very comfortable with her. 

'It's so nice of you that you want to help people like us. We really appreciate that you are even considering it.' Ant says and I can't help but smile at him. He's so understanding and always knows what's right to say in situations. 

'Were you afraid when you found out you were going to be a mom?' I ask, suddenly my nerves kick in about becoming parents. 

'Oh yes. Oh my I was bricking it. You see, my son wasn't exactly planned. His father isn't a good man and wasn't fitted to be a good dad. Looking back on it now, I'm glad he left us. My son is better off without him. ' She says firmly and I can't help but look up to her. She is so brave. 

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