ii. rock chic style

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"Jay-hyung, their V-Live is on!"

Jay is currently sweating bullets in their practice room. Their new choreo is intense, and the race is really on to memorise it, especially with the regular check-ins. The pressure mounting is exactly why Jay is working so diligently on it.

But when Jungwon calls him to watch his hyungs - and Niki - on V-Live, he just shakes his head and collapses against the wall next to him.

"That dance break is-"

"Jay-hyung, shh!"

"Alright, okay, sorry!"

Jake, Sunoo, Niki and Heeseung had been at vocal practice just before, and luckily, it seems like Heeseung's voice has made a quick rebound. He carefully explains what they'll be doing for the hour, squinting subtly as he leans forwards to watch the numbers tick up.

Sunghoon pushes through the doors with his shoulder, arms full with their water bottles. Jay sees him smile at Jungwon's concentrated face.

"Here you go," He sets down their water and slumps down next to Jungwon. He chuckles, "Sorry to ruin your immersion."

Jay bumps his and Jungwon's legs together, and Jungwon absently links their hands together, squeezing gently.

"Woah, Jake-hyung is handsome," Jungwon mumbles, typing out a message along the lines of 'Jake is so hot!' from one of their 'ghost' accounts. Delayed by about 5 seconds, Jake points out something to Niki on screen, who snickers behind his hands.

"He saw it!"

They laugh along as Jake shakes his head, pushes aside the tablet and starts to write out his photocard signature.

Heeseung is concentrated, sticking down the decorations onto his with delicate precision. Jay feels like Heeseung can do anything he turns his hand to, just by trying it. He's yet to find something Heeseung can't do with all the bells and whistles included.

The V-Live ends after each member gives a virtual signing to fans, and a hug. Heeseung's just makes him think of two nights ago, when they sat close and drank honey and lemon from the same mug, reminiscing fondly on days past. When they shared a blanket. When they were so close Jay could barely breathe.

He squeezes Jungwon's hand by accident. Jungwon doesn't notice. He's invested in reading the comments as they spill in.

"So much English," He murmurs as he scrolls.

"Do you want me to read some?"

Jungwon nods, bouncing their linked hands up and down on Jay's leg.


Practice ends for the three of them and they return to their dorm for a break. Jay is making ramyeon for three (by the demands of Heeseung and Jake via groupchat, and his stomach via his body) when Sunghoon sidles up next to him.

"Are you feeling okay, man?" He murmurs, wrapping an arm around his shoulder fondly. Jay leans into him and tries not to think about the question. "You've seemed spaced out for the last few days, you know. I just didn't want to say anything and be rude."

"I'm fine, Sunghoonie," He mumbles, watching the broth as it bubbles. Sunghoon looks concerned when he turns to look at him directly. "Really, I'm fine. Just under pressure for debut, and just about everything else."

"Me too," Sunghoon squeezes Jay in for a hug. Jay relaxes into him, trying hard to relieve the stubborn tension in his shoulders. "We all are. We're here for you. Always."

"Thanks," He turns back to the ramyeon reluctantly. Sunghoon is so warm, all the time, somehow. Jay thinks it's his everyday superpower. "Are you sure you don't want any?"

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