v. twilight sky

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The next morning, when Jay wakes up, Heeseung is gone.

Sunoo and Jake are in the kitchen, bright and chipper. Sunoo - who's fasting - watches longingly as Jake shovels his mouth full of Coco Pops.

"Heeseungie-hyung's jogging to the practice facility and back this morning," Sunoo informs him, like a little messenger. "Before we head to the shoot!"

Jay squints. "That's miles away."

The TV buzzes in the background, telling of the next few days' weather. Rain, clouds - chances of meteor showers.

Jake shrugs as he finishes his mouthful. "That's what he said."

Jay shakes his head, and anxiety stirs in his stomach.


The time to leave comes around, and their managers are herding them into the cars when Heeseung jogs back into the house.

Jay and Jungwon are just walking out.

"Where've you been?" Jay questions. It launches out of his mouth harsher than he intends it to.

Heeseung stares at him. He answers him after a moment passes. "I told Sunoo where I was going. I'm here now, aren't I?"

Jay scoffs. Jungwon steps between them.

"Heeseung-hyung, you can shower and get ready on the set, don't worry about it. Thanks for letting Sunoo know." Jungwon pats him on the arm gently. "Go grab your stuff and a snack and we'll be in the cars."

Heeseung nods and leaves to do just that. Jungwon sighs.

"You two are acting like kids," He groans, grabbing Jay's wrist and pulling him out the door, "This whole issue is like herding cats."

Jay looks the other way, and the flaring indignation fades into further guilt.


Heeseung sits in the other car with Jake, Sunoo and Niki.

Jay isn't so lucky.

"Do I need to punch you again?" Sunghoon drones.

"They just need to talk," Jungwon suggests pointedly, looking at his phone. "As soon as possible, preferably."

"I was going to try before the shoot," Jay argues, "Before he went on a spontaneous six mile run ."

Sunghoon rolls his eyes at him, snickering. "Alright, casanova, cool it."


Jay slowly rediscovers that it's hard to stay mad at Heeseung when he's the most beautiful person on the planet.

Heeseung tousles his hair and poses for the camera like a sculpture. The angled lighting bounces off his smooth skin and glossy lips; it paints his skin in the white light, glimmering with the tiny lights of glitter. He's a supernova; beauty shattering across the cosmos, hushed by only the great expanse of the universe.

Jay doesn't think art can compare to him. The line of his jaw, the slope of his nose, his plush lips.

A familiar warmth curls down Jay's spine. The prettiest boy alive and he's standing right in front of him.


Jay is instructed and he complies. He acts. He models. The cyanide camera flash leaves dark spots scattered across his plane of vision like collapsing stars.

Even with the impairment, he sees Heeseung standing off to the side, carefully watching Jay like he's never really noticed before.


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