Chapter 4

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(Dipper pov)

I groan as I slowly regain conciousness, blinking a few times as I lift my head up. I look around seeing I'm back in the basement tied to the chair once again. I notice the man who had been helping me was on the floor leaning against the wall knocked out cold. He had his hands tied behind his back and gun shots in both his legs. At least he wasn't dead though. I hear the door open and look towards it seeing Bill standing there, holding two knives making me gulp nervously. "These aren't for you Pinetree." He sets them on a table turning his back to me. I almost sigh in relief until he speaks again. "Yet." He walks over to me putting his hands on either side of my head, his hands gripping the chair as he leans down towards me. "I don't get you. I have warned you what happens if you disobey me and you still disobey me even though you know it results in you getting punished. Now tell me who was it you called."

"Dr. Spencer Reid, he's an FBI agent. He's part of the Behavioral Analysis Unit. They specialize in catching serial killers and crazy people, like you."

"You don't mean that." He goes to caress my cheek but I spit in his face making him back up wiping away the spit and glaring at me. "I have been trying to be nice but fuck it." He walks behind me and ties a cloth around my mouth gagging me. I struggle and shout muffled curse words at him as he walks back into view. "You listen here. I have simple rules. Rule 1: You obey me or you get punished. Rule 2: You do not try to leave or contact anyone without my permission ever. And rule 3: You are mine. You will always be mine. Even if I die you will forever be mine." He picks up a tablet off the table and walks back over to me. "You know that I am capable of killing. I watched you for weeks, I know everything about you and knew your routine. If you won't behave I can easily kill you and target someone else instead, someone a little closer to home." He shows me the tablet screen, it being video footage of Mabel in her room hugging one of her many stuffed animals. I look up at Bill with fear in my eyes, struggling more not wanting him to even think of touching her. "If you continue misbehaving Pinetree, I will easily kill you and have your sister take your place." I stop struggling and look down as tears flood down my face realizing that he had me cornered. There wasn't anything I could do. If I wanted to keep her safe then I had to admit defeat and let him have his way with me. He pulls the cloth out of my mouth and lifts up my chin so I'm looking at him. "Now say that you belong to Bill Cipher."

"I belong to Bill Cipher...." I mumble. He slaps he hard across the face.

"Say it louder Pinetree."

"I belong to Bill Cipher." It's still quiet but it's louder than it had previously been. He slaps me hard across the face again.

"I am losing my fucking patience. Tell me who do you belong to!"

"YOU! I BELONG TO BILL CIPHER! I BELONG TO YOU!" I shout as tears roll down my cheeks.

He lifts up my chin so I'm looking up at him as he smirks down at me. "That is much more like it." Before I can even think, his lips crash down onto mine and he hungrily kisses me. Fearing that if I didn't comply he would hurt me more I slowly begin kissing him back.

"L-Leave the kid alone...." He breaks from the kiss and looks at the man who had regained conciousness finally.

"Perfect fucking timing. Honestly I had forgotten that I even put you there." Bill looks back at me. "You won't like this but I will be right back." He shoves the gag back in my mouth muffling my voice once again as he picks up a knife off the table and walks over to the man. In the blink of an eye he proceeds to stab the man over and over and over again. The man screams in pain as I struggle against my own bonds, trying to shout for Bill to stop but it's no use. He finally kills the man by slitting he throat. He drops the knife and goes to the table putting the smaller knife in his pocket and walks over to me. "I will have to deal with the body later." He pulls the cloth out of my mouth and holds my face in his bloody hands, wiping away my tears. "As happy as I am that we made up, I still need to punish you for running away Pinetree."

"No no no please no." He gets up walking around me and I feel him roll up my jacket sleeve. "Bill please no! I'll be good I promise!"

"I know you will." He begins carving something into my arm making me scream in pain as blood drips down my arm. After some agonizingly painful minutes he finally stops. He cuts off the rope that was binding me to the chair. I bring my arm up and see he had carved his first name and a small heart into my arm. "Come on now, you have blood on your face and arm so you should probably get a shower." He helps me out of the chair and putting an arm around my shoulders he walks me up the stairs taking me to the second floor into a bedroom. He hand sme a plastic bag, inside being clothes from my house. "I got these for you when I picked you up at your house, figured you would like your own clothes. Aren't you going to thank me?"

"Th-thank you." I say nervously, only saying it so he wouldn't hurt me again. He points to the bathroom across the hall and I go in shutting the door behind me. I start up the shower getting it to the right temperature then strip out of my clothes wincing since my arm stung with pain at the slightest touch. I get in the shower holding my arm as the water washes the blood off of me, wincing slightly but silently thankful that the bleeding had stopped. Hearing the curtain getting pulled open slowly I freeze up knowing I wasn't the one doing it. I slowly turn around and see Bill standing there naked and looking at me licking his lips. He comes in backing me up against the wall putting his bloody hands on the wall on either side of my head traping me there. "No no no...." I whimper shutting my eyes tightly fearing the worst.

"Hush now, I'm not doing anything and I won't do anything. I admit I would love to pound into you so hard against the wall that you are screaming my name. But I know that you aren't ready, so I will patiently wait until you are ready for me." I slowly open my eyes looking up at him. "For now, I thought since we both have blood on us that we could shower together. No harm with that." He pulls the shower curtain shut and as I use the shower water to wash the blood off my arm and face. I feel him wrap his arms around my mid section pulling me back against his chest.

"I-I think I'm ready to get out now."

"Okay, I will be out in a few minutes." He lets go of me and I step out of the shower drying myself off with a towel as he continues showering. I get dressed into the clothes he had taken from my house, pulling my hat on my head. I think about running away since he's in the shower. I could easily run down the stairs and out the front door. But if he caught me again he would kill me and then go after Mabel. So I remain by the sink fiddling with my hands as he turns the shower off and gets out drying himself off. "I half expected you to try escaping again but it seems you are learning. Good boy Pinetree." He dresses himself into clean clothes and pats my head.

"I know you want me to love you, but I don't and I don't think I ever will."

"If you don't love me, then why did you kiss me back?" I hear the smugness in his voice.

"Because I was scared. I thought if I didn't do what you wanted then you would hurt me again or worse kill me and go after my family."

"Hm. Well it's getting late since you were unconcious for quite a while. Come on." He grabs my wrist pulling me out of the room and down the stairs.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Back to the basement of course."

I stop walking at the door to the basement not wanting to go back down there knowing the body is down there. "No no please no, I don't want to go back down there...."

"I don't care what you want, you were very bad today so you have to sleep in the basement like the bad boy you are." He pulls on my arm again but I refuse to move. Sighing he picks me up putting me over his shoulder and carries me down there as I hit and kick and scream.

"No no! Bill please no! I will listen just please no!"

"Stop acting like a baby and be a damn man for once." He drops me on the cement floor hard making me groan in pain. I try to crawl away but he pulls me back and puts his knee on my back to keep me in place. He clamps the metal collar around my neck again and locks it then finally gets off of me. I stand up pulling at the collar trying to get it off.

"Bill please! I-I-I don't want to be down here! I will behave I will I promise! Just don't leave me down here please!" I beg as he goes to the man's body, grabbing the ankles and starts pulling the man out of the room.

"If you behave tomorrow then maybe I will start letting you sleep in my room. But for now you are going to sleep here like the bad boy you are. So good night Pinetree, I'll see you in the morning." He turns the light off and slams the door shut leaving me in the dark tears leaking down my face for the millionth time that day.

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