Chapter 11

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(Dipper pov)

The door opens and I see Dr. Reid's shocked expression to see me standing there. "Dipper? What on earth are you doing here?"

"I-I-I....." My voice falters as I feel wetness on my face. At first I think it's just water from the rain outside but I realize that I'm crying. My throat closes up as I feel myself struggling to not sob right there. "I'm sorry I-I'm s-sorry....." I manage to mutter as some sobs escape me.

"Dipper it's okay, come in and we'll figure something out." He puts his arm around my shoulders bringing me into the hotel room as he shuts the door. He has me sit on a couch in the room as he drapes a blanket around my shoulders. I bring Joker out of my jacket and hold him in my lap as I try to wipe the tears off my face. Dr. Reid sits in a chair across from. "So what's going on? What brought you here?"

"I'm sorry.....I know this is sudden but I just couldn't be at home anymore and I didn't have anywhere else to go."

"Wat's going on at home that you left?"

"Everyone was just arguing. First everyone was arguing with Stan for letting my sister go to someone's house without parent permission. But then at dinner Stan brought Mabel home and they all started yelling and arguing again so I went up to my room. After a bit Mabel started pounding at my door yelling at me for choosing to go to Hardvard instead of doing what she wanted. I just wanted her to go away but she kept yelling at me and pounding the door and it made me think of when I escaped from Bill and called you and how he was pounding on the door trying to get to me. I-I couldn't breath....My dad got her stop but she told him that I faked being kidnapped just to be with Bill.....she hates me so much that she thinks I faked the whole thing...." I feel tears pouring my face again as I frantically try to wipe away the tears.

"Dipper...I am sorry that things aren't going good at home but I don't think I can help."

"If she thinks I faked it then what is to stop a whole jury thinking it's all fake?"

"Your testimony can." I frantically shake my head no. "Dipper I need you to do something for me so I can get a clue at what Bill was like when he took you. Close your eyes for me." I do as he says nervously. "I know he took you from your house when you were going to feed your kitten and he was behind you when you discovered the broken window and muddy footprints. How did he take you?"

"I pull out my phone to call for help but he grabs my wrist and holds a cloth over my nose and mouth. I try to scream and I inhale the sweet scent of the cloth and it makes me feel dizzy."

"He used chloraform. What happened when you woke up? Tell me what you hear and everything, put yourself back in that memory."

I take a deep breathe in and out and I'm back in the dark trunk of his car, my hands tied up and a blindfold over my eyes. "I wake up in the trunk of a car, I think I woke up before he wanted me to. It smells like motor oil and the space is cramped. There's a blindfold over my eyes and my hands are tied together. I manage to get the blindfold off my eyes partially. I feel around for that cord all car trunks have that can open the trunk but I can't find it."

"Is the road bumpy or paved? Do you feel any turns?"

"It feels like he's going straight. It feels paved but there are a few bumps like it isn't used very much."

"What happened next?"

"I can't see I can't get out. I panic and start kicking and screaming for help trying to get out. The car abruptly stops and I hear footsteps. The trunk suddenly opens and......" I can see his blurry figure looking down at me again, my body trembling in fear tears stinging my eyes.

"And what Dipper? What happened?"

"H-He's there, he opened the trunk and is there......he's talking to me..."

"What is he saying?"

I can hear his voice again the fear making tears slip down my cheeks as I slowly repeat to Dr. Reid what Bill says. "......Well well, it seems you woke up sooner than I expected. And you are quite the feisty one, that's what I like about you...."

"What else?"

"He holds my wrists down so I can't move...." I see him reaching for me and I flinch away whimpering. "H-He reaches for me and I flinch away...he says 'Calm down, I ain't doing anything wrong.' H-He fixes the blindfold over my eyes and says 'Now I hate to do this but you aren't supposed to be awake yet.' Oh no oh no...he's going to chloraform me again....H-Help someone please help!" I try to turn away from him as I scream for help sobs escaping from me.

"Dipper calm down it's okay." I open my eyes and see Dr. Reid holding my shoulders to steady my trembling as tears pour down my face. "He isn't here and he will never hurt you again, I promise." He sits next to me pulling me into a hug and I hug him back as I sob in fear from the memories of what he did to me. "Listen the trial to put Bill in prison is going to be tomorrow. I know it's soon but I think it's best to do it soon with the memories still fresh. Me and the whole team will be here to make sure he gets the punishment he deserves. My boss Aaron Hotchner used to be a prosecuter and was given special permission to be your lawyer for this case. I'll be right next to you the whole time."

"O-Okay." I manage to say as I wipe my tears onto my jacket sleeves.

"I'm going to go get you something from the vending machine down the hall, I'll be right back so just sit tight." I simply nod as he gets up and leaves the room.

(Spencer pov)

I put some money in the vending machine for a bag of chips as I call JJ. I hold the phone to my ear waiting for her to pick up the phone. "Hello?" She finally answers.

"JJ I need help with something." I pick up the bag of chips out of the machine.

"Sure, what's up Spence?"

"Dipper showed up at my hotel room out of the blue and was near sobbing."

"Is he okay? What happened?"

"Things at home aren't going good for him, especially with his sister."

"None of this can be easy for the kid."

"I know. I was just hoping you could drive him home tomorrow to let him change into something for the trial tomorrow."

"Yeah sure thing spence."

"Thanks JJ." I hang up the phone putting it back in my pocket and open the door to my hotel room. I walk in the room and see Dipper laying down curled up on the couch asleep, try tear stains on his cheeks and his cat curled up in his arms. I set the chips down on the coffee table and pick up a blanket laying it over Dipper. I pet the kitten's head and in return it licks my hand. "Take care of your owner, he's going to need you." I say quietly to the cat getting a small meow in return. I go into the bathroom changing into a white shirt and some white shorts and lay down in bed falling asleep.

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