Chapter 13

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(Dipper pov)

I gulp nervously as I stand up and take a seat at the witness stand. Aaron stands in front of me holding a folder in his hands. "Can you tell us what happened after the defendant took you from your home?"

"I woke up a basement, a cold metal collar attached to a chain was around my neck and the chain was connected to the center of the floor. I hear him enter the room and he pulls on the chain forcing me to my knees as I hear him walk towards me. He comes towards me and I back away from him, screaming at him that I just wanted to go home, go back to my family. He wipes my tears away and says he doesn't want to hurt me but wants to take care of me. He pulls me to my feet, unlocking the collar from around my neck and sits me in a chair. I feel him tying my wrists and ankles so I struggle, but he gets mad and slaps saying if I don't listen then he has to punish me. After he ties me to the chair he leaves me there all alone in the dark."

He opens his folder and shows a picture of my arm scarred with Bill's carving. "Can you tell me what happened to your arm here? "

"After I tried to escape he found me and knocked me out. I woke up in the basement again, tied to the chair again. He enters the room holding knives and starts telling me rules and if I don't follow the rules he'll hurt me. I spit at him in anger but he gags me and shows me a tablet with video footage showing my sister in her room hugging one of the stuffed animals she keeps on her bed. He said if I didn't start behaving he could easily get rid of me and go after Mabel instead." I look down feeling tears stinging my eyes as I quickly try to rub them away. "I didn't know what to do, I just wanted to keep her safe so I agreed to follow his rules. He took the gag out of my mouth and made me say that I belonged to him. If I didn't say it loud enough he would slap me harder and harder until I practically screamed it. Around that time the man who helped me woke up. When he saw the man awake he gagged me again and killed him. He walked back over to me and took the gag out of my mouth saying he had to punish me for running away. I begged him to not hurt me, pleading that I would behave from now on. He carved his name and a heart into my arm."

He shows the picture to the jury and I see them all give me this sorrowful and pitiful expression. "No further questions your honor." Hotchner sits back down in his seat next to Dr. Reid.

The defense lawyer rises from his seat and makes his way towards me. "Mason Pines, how do you know my client?"

"We've been going to school together. I didn't remember him at first but after this party we went to I remembered that he was in literally everyone of my AP classes."

"Tell us about this party you mentioned."

"I told Agent Morgan and Dr. Reid about this when they talked to me at school."

"Well then you should have no problem talking to everyone else here about it."

"Mabel's friend threw a party and she dragged me to it. A bunch of people were playing seven minutes in heaven, using cards to decide who got in the closet with who. They were using the same deck for boys and girls because they thought if the same genders were in the closet it would be more fun. I ended up in the closet with....with your client but he said we could just talk and that's all we did."

"Mason, what is your sexuality?"

"W-what?" I stutter nervously as I nervously scratch at my arm feeling my heartbeat racing.

"Let me rephrase the question. Are you gay? Sexually attracted to men?"

"I-I.....w-what does this have to do with anything?"

"Answer the question."

".......I.....I am attracted to boys that are the same gender as me......"

"So you are indeed gay?"

"I already answered your stupid question, yes but no one....I never told anyone....." I hear members of the jury gasps.

"Do you love Bill Cipher?"

"I.....I don't know...."

"How can you not know?"

"I think I was suffering from stockholm syndrome so I'm not completely sure how I felt about him anymore."

"Did he ever make comments to you or romantic gestures."

"He forced his lips onto mine and would always call me these names that made me feel creeped out."

He picks up a paper off his table and shows it to me. "Do you know what this is?"

I look at the paper seeing what appears to be a facebook post stating that I had been saved and would be returing home soon. "It's a facebook post about me being rescued."

"Could you read the comment at the top right under the post?"

I look at the comment and feel my throat closing up knowing exactly who left this comment. "I am so tired of everyone making such a big deal about what happened to the stupid dipshit. He just ran off with his stupid fucking boyfriend because he is a queer who deserves to rot in eternal hell." I read as I look up glaring at that stupid lawyer.

"Could you read the name of the person who said this post?"

".....Mabel sister."

"The very sister who you insisted you were trying to protect from my client even though he never went near her or showed interest in harming her?"

"I never said that she liked me very much, I just said I wanted to protect her. We don't get along very well sure but that's normal for siblings and as her brother I still wanted to keep her safe. That's my job as her brother."

"Here is what I'm thinking this is about Mason Pines. I think you ran off with your boyfriend, got involved in some BDSM stuff and when you got a bit scared during it you overreacted and that's when you called Dr. Reid over there. When they burst in to 'save you', you had to fabricate this whole story to keep yourself out of trouble. Correct me if I'm wrong."

I hear gasps and it becomes harder for me to breathe as I feel tears streaming down my face. "N-no that isn't true....that's a lie!" I can practically hear my heart thumping in my ears and barely register that the judge calls for a short recess as that stupid fucking lawyer walks back over to his table. I walk away from the witness stand with a hand over my mouth feeling bile rising in my throat. I frantically kneel in front of the nearest trashcan and violently puke into it feeling like everyone was watching me. I feel a hand on my shoulder and flinch back seeing it's Dr. Reid. Not wanting anyone to see me like this I run out of the room going out a backdoor of the courthouse sitting on the steps hugging my knees to my chest and sobbing into my knees.

"A-Are you o-okay?" I look up and see the boy with blue hair standing behind me. I didn't even realize that he was in the courtroom at all.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." I lie as I quickly wipe my tears away "I just needed some air."

"Oh okay." He sits down next to me and there is this awkward silence between us until he speaks up again. "You probably have no idea who I even am...."

"You're Will, his little brother. I asked about you after you visited him the other day."

"Right, you were in the house.....I had no idea you were there I swear. If I did I would have helped."

"I know....look I don't think he's a bad person, he wasn't a bad person at school or at that party and even at that house there were moments were he was gentle and kind and made me think if we had just talked at school then maybe we could have.....been friends or something.....I just think something happened that made him do a bad thing."

"Our mom died. I know that's not a good excuse for what he did but he started acting strange after it happened and I thought he just needed time alone to grieve."

"Like I said I don't think he's a bad person. I should probably head back in there." I stand up and walk back inside as Dr. Reid makes his way over to me.

"There you are. You doing okay?"

"Yeah, just needed some air.....does that defense lawyer have any chance at winning this?"

"I don't think so, his case is pretty weak. You ready to head back in there?" I give a small nod as he leads me back into the courtroom.

Unsuspecting love (billdip)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant