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(Dipper pov)

**********5 years later***********

I drive down the dirt road, the window down and the wind blowing through my hair and the sunlight reflecting off of my sunglasses. Today is finally the day. I kept my promise to Bill, called him every night before I went to bed and vistied him for two days every weekend and today is finally the day. He's done his best to stay out of trouble and not get in gang fights so after 5 years of being a model prisoner he was granted early parole. Will wanted to be here for this but he's half way across the country at college while I was in town. There was a bad thunderstorm that knocked out the power at Harvard so I've been staying with my dad until it gets fixed so it only takes me a half hour to get to the prison to get him. I park in the prison parking lot and turn the ignition off putting the keys in my pocket. Taking my sunglasses off and setting them on the dashboard I look in the review mirror fixing my hair a bit, it having gotten messed up from the open window. I take a deep breath and slowly let it out. "Calm down, Dipper, he's gotten better and everyone knows it. Even that doctor he has to talk to now said he's been doing much better. Besides it's not like I'm asking him to live with me forever, it's just until he can figure things out for himself. Do not talk about if we're a couple though. Wait for him to bring it up because I sure as hell am not bringing up that topic."

I open the car door stepping out and shut the car door. I smooth out the wrinkles from my blue hoodie as I walk into the prison and up to the guard behind the safety glass. "Something I can help you with?"

"Yeah, I'm here to pick up someone who's getting released today."

"What's the name of the released inmate?"

"Bill Cipher."

He looks down at his list in front of him. "Have a seat, he'll be out in a sec."

I take a seat, the waiting room mostly empty except for some guards standing around. I bite my thumbnail nervously as I sit there waiting my anxiety slowly creeping through my bones until I hear his voice. "Dipper?"

I look up seeing Bill standing there, wearing a white button up shirt tucked into black jeans and a black overcoat. I smile my anxiety going away instantly as I get up and jump into his arms hugging him. He wraps his arms around me and spins me around making me laugh happy to have him back finally. He sets me down ruffling my hair making me giggle slightly. "It's good to see you, Bill."

"It's good to see you too, Dipper. This place was getting boring fast." I laugh slightly as he leave and get into my car. I start it up as he buckles up and I drive us out of there. He looks through my tapes for music. "You need to upgrade your music. How come you don't have anything more modern? Or even a single CD?"

"Because nothing beats the classics." I take a tape from him and put it in the cassete player, the song 'Fortunate Son' playing.

"I guess it ain't bad. So how come you aren't at Harvard?"

"There was a bad storm a few days ago there and the power in the city got knocked out so I've been staying with my dad until it gets fixed."

"Oh. So is he okay with me being around until things get situated?"

"Yeah, I talked about it with him and he's fine with it. Just please don't make any dirty jokes when he's around."

"I'll try not to. So, you put any consideration into what we are?"

Oh no oh no, the dreaded question. "W-Well....what do you want us to be?"

"I want to be your boyfriend, but I don't to do or say anything you're uncomfortable."

I take his hand in mine surprising him. "I would be more happy to be your boyfriend, Bill. I was just scared to bring up the subject."

"I understand." He pecks me on the cheek making me blush bright red and I hear him chuckle beside me.

I park outside my dad's house and get out pocketing the keys as Bill gets out as well. I walk up to the front door letting myself in and pick up Joker from the steps. "Come here you big lazy cat."

"He got big." Bill shuts the front door and pets Joker who simply meows lazily.

"Yeah, now he's just a big lazy ball of fur. But he knows I love him still." I set him down and he walks over to the couch climbing on it and curls up falling asleep. "Come on, Bill." I lead Bill upstairs and open the door to my room, it being the exact same as it was when I was a teenager. "You can sleep in here. There's an air mattress in the closet we could blow up for you."

He wraps his arms around me from behind and nuzzles his face in my hair. "Or we could share the bed, snuggle and keep each other warm."

I roll my eyes as I weakly attempt to get his arms off. "Bill, it's march and it's like 65 degrees. We don't need to keep each other warm."

"We can still cuddle at night."

I sigh seeing he's not going to give this up. "Fine, no use arguing with your stubborn ass anyway."

He lets go of me and turns me around grabbing my hand and wrapping one arm around my waist pulling me close. "Dance with me."

"But I can't, I don't know how. Besides there isn't any music."

"Just follow my lead and I will be your music." I roll my eyes slightly as he leads me in a slow dance and he softly begins singing. "Jules, he was fucked up, and Jessie she was pureless.
So of course they fell in love.
Jessie let Jules know what was wrong with him.
And Jules stopped using, and binging, and pissing his whole life away.
And Jules told Jessie he'd die for her,
Which looking back, was the right thing to say.
I cut you a piece of me, I cut you a piece of me.
And where you go I will go too.
Yes, I am now apart of you

Jules and his Jessie, got married in his temple,
Cause they calculated,
That Jules was more jewish than Jessie was Catholic.
Jules mother was pleased.
Married six months, when on route 87,
Jules turned quickly,
In a beaten mitsubishi, killed Jessie in a crash.
A marriage begun and ended,
With broken glass.
His life was scattered, and soon was her ash
I cut you a piece of me, I cut you a piece of me.
And where you go I will go too.
I lost my life when I lost you.
Yeah you loved someone so much.
That to lose them is to never recover,
You've given part of your being to them and when they
Go, you can never have it back you can never have it back.
I haven't thought of Jules, or Jessie,
Or their story in the better part of a year.
But warming your hands in mine fills me with terror,
That I will lose you, today, or tomorrow, in two years, or seventy.
When even the Earth has numbered days.
I can give just one thing that stays.
I cut you a piece of me, I cut you a piece of me.
For where you go I will go too.
I am now apart of you.
From now on i'm half a soul, Without you I can't behold.
So cut me a piece of you,
Cut me a piece of you, and where I go you'll always be.
Oh, you are the start of me, Oh, you are the start of me"

His eyes tear up as he finishes the song. "Bill...."

He closes his eyes resting his forehead on mine. "I love you so damn much, Dipper. I know what I did to you is wrong, and I have regretted every day. If I could turn back time and fix things I would without hesitation. But I can't go back in time and I don't want to lose you. I am so terrified that I will wake up and something will happen or you'll be gone because you got tired of me and it scares the ever living shit out of me just thinking that someday I might wake up all alone again and be the same man I was before I met you."

"Bill, that isn't going to happen. I love you and I am never leaving you. I swear on us." I close my eyes and kiss him as he kisses me back, pulling me closer.

The End

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