+[] Chapter 3 : unaware []+

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( I hope this is better writing hehe, sorry for before)

The world turned dark to Keith's eyes, and his mind along with it.

Keith awoke screaming for air, his lungs burned, his hands clutching his neck. A strong grips attached to his frail shoulders and a small spark of pain hit his neck . His gasps stopped as air quickly entered his lungs, the last of his gasps ended quickly as his vision cleared enough to make out three faces surrounded him, all covered in purple fur.

"Who are-"

Keith was cut off by a hand gripping his jaw and holding it steadily closed. Keith was pushed further back on what seemed like a bed, but felt like a table. His eyes widened as he felt a needle sink into his skin, his eyelids sank, his mind drifted off, he knew no one would find him.


Keith awoke and instantly noticed the warmth around him, although his head hurt he fought through, and tried to make out his surroundings. Evidently he couldn't see much, to him he was in a dim room with dull walls. Keith's head clearing of dizziness, slowly sat up and saw he was situated on a rounded bed, covered in pillows and blankets. Keith shifted under the covers and decided to explore his surroundings. Slipping out of the comfort of the bed, Keith fell from the bed with a yelp. Keith rubbed his eyes in attempt to see where he fell from, he looked up to only see where he fell from.

How high was I!?

His sides throbbing, Keith shakily attempted to stand only to be reunited with what could be considered the floor. On his knees Keith shivered , and felt a tears escape from his eyes. Keith realized he had become such a cry baby, tears slipping for the smallest reasons. His hands shaking, Keith took a long but steady breath and calmed himself down. Cold, Keith shifted and climbed back into the bed once more returning to the small comfort he had.

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