+[] Chapter 6 : Mengarthea []+

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Dream: Keith awoke to a grassy field, green stretching out as far to the horizon as it could. There were figures in the distant, small shadows of seemed to be children. He called to them, yet his words were muffled. He called out louder, closing his eyes, only to open them to a dark abyss of nothing. He stood still waiting for something to happen, and something did happen. A hand reached out of the blackness, reaching for Keith's hand. It was purple, claws neatly trimmed. As it touched his hand, he felt a sense of warmth overflow him. But it flew away as he opened his eyes to reality. He was back on the ship, with the stranger in the black, violet suit and tinted helmet. Keith sat up, facing the snow-white blotches of stars against the canvas of black sky before him.

"You're awake," the man said abruptly, startling Keith, "We're almost there, you should get ready now."

Keith opened his mouth to speak but closed it at the thought of another useless conversation of questions that wouldn't be answered. He stood up slowly from his chair and walked to the oddly shaped closet in the back of the ship to grab his black and onyx stealth suit. It was covered in small blue smudges from the foliage of Fion that rubbed against him. Not caring for the embarrassing state of the suit, Keith slipped into it as fast as possible before the ship landed with a resounding thud. Regaining his balance, Kieth looked for the man but wasn't surprised when he noticed the man had already left his previous spot. Keith walked outside, only to be blinded by crimson-fiery sands.

"Hey! Where did you go!" Keith yelled into the scorching winds.

He felt a tap on his shoulder, it was the man. In his other hand, he held an obsidian helmet. He tossed it to Keith, throwing it in a swift motion. Keith caught it and fastened it to his head, his face free from the stings of the sand.

"Keep that helmet on at all times until we get where we're going ", the man said sternly.

Keith stayed silent, staring at the man through his tinted helmet. He started to walk to a ruined building in the distance, silent as the sky above him. They reached the structure, with a rusty door and a broken knob.

The man touched the door in a strange way, brushing the frame in light touches. the door opened slowly, and he walked inside disappearing into oblivion. Keith struggled after him in the dark, before hearing the grumbling noise of the door closing. A sliver of light poked through a strange arch like entrance in the distance, lightning the dark space. Hearing the man's footsteps Keith continued after him, walking towards the now fully brightened doorway. A whole city was revealed before him, towers glistening in the sun and people of all kinds wandering the streets lined with tents and stalls. He was fascinated at how such a large city could be hidden from the world.

"Why is this place hidden? It's so lively here." Keith asked.

"It's hidden because of what's outside the city."

Keith became curious of what lies outside of the city of Mengarthea. Was it so malicious that whatever it was had no right for a name? He decided not to dwell on it for too long, and continued to following the man through the crowded streets.

Keith couldn't look away at the glittering lights peppered on the intricate tents, the smells of the spices and herbs filled his nose, and for just a moment, he felt a sense of calm wash over him. But it quickly went away when he and the man turned a corner into a shadowed alleyway. The walls smelled of must, and there were no lights. The man reached into a pocket, and pulled out a small triangle. He then abruptly threw it, watching it spin in the air. Keith heard gears shift and clicking noises above him. Looking up, he saw the triangle shaping itself into a gun, landing into the man's hand. It pulsed a warm purple light against the darkness of the alley. He pointed the gun at the sky, and a lethal beam of violent light burst into the night.

"You actually came." a voice wheezed from behind Keith. He turned around, only to find nothing behind him but the dark. A foot appeared, then a whole body of a woman. She had tan skin and was covered in white spots, silver hair and blue eyes as sharp as knives. They stared into Keith, making him freeze feeling a chill go down his back.

"With a companion, never seen you with one of those."

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