+[] Chapter 5 : Fion []+

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Keith's head pounded and his heart beat slowly in his chest as his sight was returned to him, and he found himself in the passenger seat of a small ship. He tried to stand up, but a hand put him back in his seat. It felt strong, yet sharp. The hand moved away to steer the ship again, and it connected to a male figure. He was wearing a black and Tyrian purple suit, and a helmet tinted black to hide his face. 

"Try not to move so much." The man said. The voice was deep, slightly accented, but covered in an electronic tone. Keith couldn't decipher who the strange, yet somehow kind enough man to save him was. He decided not to focus on that and tried to think straight. 

"Who are you..?" Keith asked. The stranger stayed silent. 

"Tell me...who you...are..." Keith asked again.

"My identity doesn't matter at this time" The stranger said before turning his head back to the open screens of space. 

"Why did you save me...?" 

"I saved you because....." The stranger trailed off, flicking a switch before saying, "Brace yourself." The ship landed with a resounding thud, before hearing stuff fall onto it. The man climbed out of the ship, into a blue forest-scape. Trees the colors or navy, cobalt, and ocean blue surrounded the off-put ship. 

"Stay here", the man said before walking into the azure forest. Keith almost fully recovered, but still was in a daze from what the man said earlier. He knew for sure he wasn't going to stay put, but he was unequiped. Keith staggered towards the back of the ship, grabbing walls to steady himself before regaining his balance. He walked towards a closet, and found a black and navy suit fitted for stealth. Keith put on the suit and walked outside of the ship, to find footprints leading outside of the forest. He looked back at the ship one more time before leaving into the sea of teal. After what felt like 5 minutes, Keith arrived in a city resembling Atlantis. The locals had yellow eyes and spikes erecting out of their flat ears. 

"Where am I?" Keith asked a short local. It pointed to a large sign reading "Fion, home of Azula Tech." He looked around for the man, and saw him go into the largest building. It was made of what looked to be laphis lazuli columns and ice blue windows adorned with cornblues. Keith knew there would be guards for such an ornate place, but he caught a glimpse of a garden to the right of the building. It was unguarded, and the only thing blocking it was an artic chain-link fence. He tried to jump over it, but tripped and fell face first into an indigo bush. He crawled out of the bush, picking leaves from his hair before getting awe-struck by the sight before him. It was a single, gentle tree covered in cerulean leaves and surrounded by sky blue roses. The leaves were falling, and felt like just for a moment, everything was at it's rightful place. He was stuck in his trance, before a pair of hands wrapped around him. Keith's breath shallowed, his body went slack and his head became hot. 

"What are you doing here?" the helmeted man said. He kept his hands held tight on Keith.

"I-i was...", Keith couldn't make out his words. He wanted to leave the man's grasp, but wanted to stay there at the same time. 

" I was trying to help you with...whatever you were doing." Keith stuttered.

The helmeted man let go at last, and Keith regained his normal breathing.

"You should have stayed in that ship like I told you to." The man paused "It doesn't matter, I got what I came for, now come on." The helmeted man grabbed Keith's hand and proceeded to drag him back to the ship. Keith's face was getting hotter again every second the man held his hand. They eventually arrived back at the small, purple, leaf covered ship. The man grabbed Keith's other arm and carried him into the ship. Keith tried not to get hot, but failed while being put back into the ship. The man threw him a pair of clothes as he climbed into the ship.

"Change into these, when you're done, we'll take off." The man said calmly.

"How can I do that when you're right there? Keith exclaimed.

The man turned around, and sat in his seat while Keith attempted to changed. The power started and the ship began to rise off the ground. Keith stumbled back and forth while fitting his pale arm into the last sleeve. He walked steadily to the passenger seat, and saw as the field of aegean trees dissapeared.

"Ready for the next planet?" the man asked.


"Then off to Coure we go...Keith."

Guys I am sooo sorry I had summer classes, so my co-author do most of the work. Hope it's ok...


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