+[] Chapter 4: Obscurity []+

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Keiths Dream ————————————

As Keith drifted off to sleep, a dark abyss began to cloud his  vision, till it clears for an empty field to be revealed.  The sounds of children's laughter filled Keith ears, in the distance obscure figures come towards his view . The figures come closer as he realizes, they are young galra boys, no older than 8.  He watches them as they tumble around through the grassy fields. A muffled sound emits from his mouth calling to one of the boys, as he raises his arm he notices the purple fur has receded from his skin for it to return to it's original pale color. Feeling a presence in his arms Keith slowly looks down to find himself holding, an infant with white tuffs of hair.

His vision returns to the black abyss, to realize there is a figure walking towards him. This figure was abnormally tall, hair flowing behind him, his hand outstretched almost like he was asking for Keith's hand. As Keiths took his had he had noticed the sharp claws of its owner. The hand suddenly pulled him through, what felt like being dragged down into the depths of the ocean, For him to suddenly be pulled out of the dream.


Crashing sounds woke Keith in a panic. He stumbled out of the bed making it only so far, till he had to press his hand against the wall to better balance himself, taking a glance at his  fingers, Keith felt relief back in his normal state, remembering the dream he once had. Keith slightly jumps to the sound of a small beeping noise, suddenly the wall slides open. 

After walking limply into the dark hallway that lays before him,  Keith instantly finds himself surrounded by the soft purple glow of a light above him. As he walks through the dark hallway for a few dobashes, his foot gets caught on something, and he falls to the floor, looking behind him Keith finds a guard, that was most likely keeping watch on his cell... or was supposed to. The guard was lifeless, eyes glazed over with the scent of blood.

Keith yelped, and quickly removed himself from the floor only to look away and start walking down the hall trying to ignore the horrid sight that lays before him.

"Maybe it was for the best," Keith thought.

The inside of the ship was in ruin; banners torn from the walls, sparks flying  and equipment in shreds. The halls darkened as Kieth walked further, taking turns through corridors and discovering doors he might have missed at first glance. Keith's anxiety only grew stronger as he approached the door located at the end of the hallway, maybe his only hope in escaping this maze.

The silence of the darkness was interrupted by the soft sounds of footsteps, engulfed in darkness Kieth was blinded, not knowing where the sounds where coming from.  Panicking,  Keith looked around frantically, waiting for the moment when he would be attacked. Without warning, a sharp pain struck his neck as he struggled to stand. turning around with the last of his strength, he noticed a tall figure pacing slowly towards him before blacking out. 


Hi it's Author, sooo very sorry about wait... uhm haha... 

Yes this story is continuing, and I have a Co-Author! So maybe I'll finally be able to update on time haha 😅...

Again, EXTREMELY sorry about the wait T~T  we will be trying to update quite more frequently! Thank you all for the support!!! And see you next chapter ^

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