Page 5: Meet The Parents?

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I can hardly open my eyes due to the bright lights that is hurting my sight.

I scratched it a little but it felt like my hand is tied to something. 

"Kong, are you awake? Do you know where you are?"

Is that M speaking? Why am I with him? 

I successfully opened my eyes and saw M standing beside my bed, with May, Tew and Oak.

"Where am I and why are you all here?", I tried to sit but it was had for me to move so Tew approached the bed and helped me sit. I rested my back against the headboard. 

I thanked Tew and he gave me a small nod.

"Kong, you passed out. We were about to leave the BBQ house and then suddenly you fell.", May calmly explained. 

"The doctor said that it's just fatigue and the alcohol might have triggered something on you. They are still running some tests but they can let you go provided your guardians are here.", M added.

"Did you call my parents?", I did panic for few seconds as I don't want them to worry. They were hesitant to let me study in Bangkok and now they will have to see me in a hospital bed. 

M nodded, but something is bothering me since waking up. I looked around and they all noticed it.

"Kong, do you need something?", he asked.

"Where is P'Arthit?", I uttered and all of them were quiet. 



"Arthit, aren't you going to see him?", Prem asked.

We were all waiting at the hospital cafeteria. Earlier, I was so drunk, but it's gone now.

"He's probably awake by now. The doctor said it wasn't serious.", Bright added.

"What the f*ck did I do?", I asked myself.

"Arthit, you were so drunk. You don't even know the girl.", Knot tried to calm me.

"or not?", Bright is teasing me.

"Seriously Arthit, do you or do you not know her?", Prem cleared the question.

"I told you, I don't. At first, I thought I know her, but when everything was cleared out and the effect of alcohol went out, I was able to clearly see her and I don't f*cking know her.", it was a lengthy explanation, I couldn't barely catch my breath.

It was quiet for almost a minute when Oak appeared at the cafeteria.

"P'Arthit, Kong is awake and is looking for you."

I stood up but I can't move my feet. Why do I feel so guilty? Kong is a very understanding person. For sure he will understand. It's not as if I did it on purpose. Right? 

I'm trying to convince myself, but it was wrong, totally wrong. How can I face him?

"Arthit?", they're all walking ahead but I am still stuck in here.

Prem walked back to me and started pushing me from my back.

"Arthit, you don't have to worry. Kong is waiting. Get those feet of yours to work."

Prem even pushed me harder and now I am walking with them. 

I hate staying in hospitals. Everytime I get hurt or sick, I just stay at home or at the dorm. I remember how Knot tried so hard to convince me to go to the hospital after the 54 laps punishment I did, but I ended up staying at my dorm, with Prem helping me out. The most beautiful part of that memory was when Kong walked inside my room that day. 

Why am I even reminiscing that? 

We're just few steps away from Kong's room when suddenly a middle-aged woman came inside the room before us. She was rushing. 

We hurriedly went to the door and observed the situation. 

From the looks of it, it was his mother.

"Kong, my son, what happened?", I heard her utter those words in a very worried tone.

"Mmy, I just passed out. This is nothing serious. M is just overreacting. I am very sorry for making you worry, Mmy."

Kong gave M a weird stare. It's like his eyes are saying "you're dead".

"Aunt, look at Kong. He's killing me with his eyes. I'm sure he's mad I called you.", M was quick to report to avoid Kong's petty rage.

"Kong, don't be mad with M. He said the Doctor will not allow you to discharge without guardian. Do you want stay here for another night?", his Mom was right. 

Kong looked at M once more and the stare even intensified.

"Mmy, did you come here alone?", Kong's mood changed drastically.

"No, no. You're Dad is at the Doctor's office and he will take care of the hospital billings too.", what her Mom said panicked the hell out of me.

Both of his parents are here and this is not what he dreamt of. This will be the worst 'meet the parents' day ever. Wait, why am I even thinking that? I'm sure Kong will not introduce me as his boyfriend, right? 

Wait, what the heck is Bright doing? F*ck. I should go.



What the hell are we doing outside? Why are we eavesdropping? Why are we even hiding? 

They should know we're here too.

"Kongpob!", I called out his name and stood in the middle of the door.

I looked around and all their faces were shocked. M even tried to shoo me away.

"Who is he?", I heard his mother asked.

"My name is Bright, one of Kongpob's seniors and I am friends with Arthit.", I proudly introduced myself.

"Arthit? and who is this Arthit?", now is the perfect time to introduce my dear friend to his mother-in-law. 

"Arthit, come out and introduce yourself."

What the hell? He's not answering. Don't you dare make me fool in front of your mother-in-law. Come out already you punk.

"Arthit, come in. Don't be shy.", I tried one more, but Prem was the one who showed up.

"Arthit left five minutes ago."

SOTUS, a Kongpob and Arthit specialWhere stories live. Discover now