Rosa Diaz I

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Word count: 1144

You work as a detective with Rosa in the 99th precinct.

I try to be quiet as I make my way up to the apartment, wincing at the pain in my side and the creaky stairs, the pain in my ass. I curse the broken elevator as I pull myself up onto my floor.

I turn the corner and gasp in pain, scared shitless as I bump straight into the one person I was trying to avoid.


Rosa says, smirking at me. I bare my teeth in a pained smile and push past her to get to our apartment.
I can't be bothered having to put on an act right now. She puts her arm around my waist, increasing my pain by 100, making it impossible for me to think straight, let alone unlock the door. I stand in quiet agony for a moment, swaying on my feet before pushing her off and opening the door.

"Where's your voice, babe?"

I just shake my head and head to the bathroom but Rosa catches my arm and I have to bite my tounge to stop myself from crying out in pain. Rosa turns me around to face her and looks worriedly at me.

"Y/n, what's going on? You look like shit."

"nothing. It's fine. I'm fine."

"that's a lie. What happened?"

I shake my head again. What happened was that while she was chasing a dude with several felonies under his belt, I was being beaten up by another one, though I wasn't about to tell her that for many reasons. I'll list them, shall I?

1. I feel as though it was my fault in the first place
2. I hate it when Rosa treats me as though I can't do shit for myself
3. I failed at my job
4. I hate it when Rose is angry.
5. She'll blame herself
6. She could loose her job attacking the perp
7. I could loose my job for being attacked and being seen as unfit for the 99.

I shove past her, wincing in deep agony.
I feel as though I'm going to pass out at any moment from the pain.
Quickly going into the bathroom and locking the door, I trip and almost fall before righting myself and pull off my jumper, tears pricking my eyes, and then peel off my blood soaked shirt. I suck in a breath as I look at the bruises and gashes all over my torso. The most obvious pain, and where lots of the blood is coming from is a large wound on my left side, from just below my ribs to my waistline diagonally inwards from when the asshole stabbed me.
Glass made all the smaller cuts.
I'd rolled over a bunch of newly broken bottles when I was trying to get away from the guy, who then pulled a knife and did said further damage to me. I didn't think it was going to be this bad so I didn't bother telling the team, but not long afterwards, the adrenaline wore off.
Rosa knocks on the door.

"Y/n? Please talk to me. I know somethings up, so tell me."

I really really want to tell her, but I know that she'll freak out and go kill up the guy who did it or have a panic attack and refuse to even touch me in fear of hurting me or putting me in a situation where I could get hurt like she did last time.

"nothings wrong, Rose. I'm just having a shower."

I try to keep my voice level as I quickly pull off the rest of my clothes, trying (and failing) to ignore the pain stabbing through my whole body. Maybe I should go the hospital.
I wipe some of the blood off the floor with my tee shirt and get into the shower, pulling the curtain across in front of me just as she comes in.

"the lock's broken."

She says.
I turn on the tap, swearing at how cold the water is.
Rosa stands in the bathroom quietly as I watch red swirl down the drain, seemingly never ending. With a jolt, I remember my bloody tee shirt sitting under my towel right beside Rosa.

"did you get hurt today?"

She asks, catching me off guard.

"n-no I don't think so."

I say, wrapping my arms around my stinging torso my vision fading in and out with stars as I lean again the shower wall.

"that's good. I got punched in the face by that dick."

I lean around the side of the shower curtain, being careful to keep my injuries out for her sight and have a good look at her face. She has a cut lip and a bruise forming on her cheekbone already.
I take a deep breath, deciding to tell her because its not like I could hide it for much longer anyway.

"um, I did kind of get hurt."

Rosa frowns at me.

"then why'd you lie? Don't you trust me?"

She sounds hurt
I shrug.

"of course I trust you, but I didn't want you to over react like last time."

Motioning for my towel,Rose hands it to me and I wrap it around my waist to cover myself up a little bit at least before stepping out of the shower.
She doesn't move for a few minutes, just stares at my cut up stomach and chest, still bleeding a little. (a lot)

"look, babe, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just though that you'd get angry.."

I can almost feel her eyes staring at my ruined flesh, analysing every injury.
I take her hand and hold it tightly, feeling it shake, resting my forehead on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry."

I mumble into her neck.

Rosa puts her other hand on my cheek and wipes a droplet of water off my nose.

"I'm not angry."

She says, sounding furious.

"I just don't like seeing you hurt. Have you had painkillers?"

I shake my head.
Rosa pulls me out of the bathroom and sits me down on the couch before going to get a glass of water and some drugs for me.
I find the first aid kit and dab antiseptic cream onto my cuts before covering them up the best I can.
I take the aspirin Rosa gives me and try to relax a bit.
Rosa gently pulls me into her arms, with my head on her chest.

"I love you, Rose."

I tell her, kissing her collarbone.

"love you too, dumbass."

She says, smoothing my hair.
I slowly drift asleep, lulled by my beautiful girlfriend.

"hey, no, don't sleep, stupid. Let the drugs kick in, get dressed and then we are going to the hospital."

I nod slightly and do my absolute best to stay awake.

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