Chpt 5: Ready.Set.Flirt.

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So as I said before I ONLY PUT "CHPT #" on the chapters that have been edited... So bare with me.
The dress that Cupid wears is on the top :)


Cupids POV-

Today was the day of the dance. I was getting ready for the day activity with Anne after having a sleep over with her the night before. We were singing Blank Space by Taylor swift and I realized how stereotypical I felt. Not that that was a bad thing for me, fitting in wasn't hard when someone else made it easy. I just realized that every girl is almost the same in different ways..... Or if that even made sense. I just feel like girls shouldn't fight each other, because we were the only ones who could truly understand and help each other.....

We did our hair and make up for the dance in advance. I had a light pink lipstick on and a nice brownish sparkly eye shadow Anne had applied. I looked hot on top of that I had my hair curled for the occasion. I gazed at my light pink dress in the closet. It had a sweethearts neck line and hugged everything just before the hips. It was flattering. I liked it. But who doesn't like a long prom gown?

However, with the day activity we had planned I was wearing a black v neck that didn't cut down very far and light jeans with knee high boots. Anne was wearing a darker blue dress for this dance her eyes a blue color and for the day activity she had also chosen to rock a blue t shirt.

"So me and Brian went on our third date last week!" She squealed breaking me from my thoughts. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

Ouch.... Things were working out and even though I felt selfish....

I quickly recovered and smiled.

"You already told me." I giggled although it did make me upset in many degrees I was glad that they were happy. I would find someone else..... I guess...

What Anne didn't know is that me and Brian had still been meeting up for breakfast everyday. The conversation we had the first time we had sat down about the tension between us was never brought up..... but I enjoyed being with him. And I knew today was going to be fun. Regardless of if my date was awful.

We were all riding in Brian's car and he stopped to pick us up before getting my date whom I had now figured out his name was Nate. I walked down the stairs first and Brian gave me a warm borderline loving look....

I shook it off and he grabbed my arm to make me face him.

"Can I help you?" I asked jokingly.

"I lied the other day. I told you before that you were forcing Anne on me. You weren't.... I like her. I do." He smiled sadly. Pain zipped through my arm to where he was holding me the warm tingles now more of a bitter sweet pain.

"I'm glad." I said gulping and smiling at him before moving my gaze to the ground.

"Look at me." He asked taking my face in his hands. "The problem is although I like Anne... I really like you." He said the same unsure gaze passing through his eyes.

"Brian we just... Can't.... Anne is like my only friend....." I said removing my arm from his grasp.

His eyes looked hurt and I'm sure so did mine. He opened his mouth to say something but Anne came down the stairs as if on cue. I brought his in for a hug anyway knowing Anne wouldn't mind and knowing it was a bit weird.

However he let his head fall into the crook of my neck as my hand made his way to play with his hair careful not to mess it up to much since it was nicely styled.

We soon after picked up Nate who gave me a formal introduction.... He was HILARIOUS not to mention HOT.

He had blonde hair that flopped to one side of his forehead making the messy look totally work.

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