Chapter 11

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As the army of heroes were all transported to Earth Prime for what they knew was going to be the final confrontation with the Anti-Monitor, they were also finding out what was different on this earth than the one that had been destroyed.

"Have you noticed anything different so far in our lives on this earth?" Laurel asked Oliver.

"It looks pretty much the same so far. I mean we still have three kids, and all of our parents are alive just like they were before." Oliver said.

"I think I might have found something that was different." Dinah said as she came into the bunker.

"And what is that?" Oliver asked as it did make him curious as to what was different with Dinah.

"Well, apparently I am from this earth now and Laurel and I are twins." Dinah said.

"So, my wish worked then? That's good to know." Laurel said.

"Why would you wish for something like that. You don't even really know me." Dinah said.

"I know that you have had a hard life so I thought that this would give you a better one. And plus, on this earth you would have had dad your whole life." Laurel said.

"That's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you." Dinah said.

"You're Welcome and welcome to the family." Laurel said.

Meanwhile, over in National City Kara finds that all of her family is still alive, and everything is pretty much the same. She went to find Alex and see if anything had changed for her.

"Hey Alex, is everything the same for you on this earth is it is for me?" Kara asked.

"It is pretty much all the same except for one thing." Alex said.

"And what would that be?" Kara asked.

"Kelly and I adopted a baby and I am so happy about that right now. Would you like to meet her?" Alex asked.

"I sure would. So, what is her name?" Kara asked.

"Her name is Michelle. Here you can hold her if you want." Alex said as she handed Michelle to Kara.

"She is so beautiful. I am so happy for you. I guess this happened because I wished for this for you when we were making the new multiverse." Kara said.

"Well, whatever you did. Thank you for doing it. I never thought that this would happen for me." Alex said and Kara nodded.

At the same time in Central City, Barry and Caitlin were trying to figure out what might be different in their lives. "I can only think of one thing that I know for sure is different on this earth as of right now." Barry said.

"And what would that be?" Caitlin said.

"Well, apparently we had another baby about seven months ago and his name is Henry." Barry said.

"So, now we have two children. That's great. It is kind of what I wished for when we created the new multiverse." Caitlin said.

"Really, I didn't know if you wanted anymore children or not. I am glad that you did though." Barry said.

"I am not saying that I want to have ten kids or anything like that but two or three will be fine." Caitlin said.

"That sounds good to me. So, what do we need to do to get ready for the Anti-Monitor?" Barry asked.

"I don't know that we can kill him. It hasn't worked yet but maybe we can find a way to make it so that he can't hurt anything." Caitlin said.

"Well, we need Cisco, Lena, Felicity, and Barbara to help with what I have in mind." Caitlin said.

In just a few minutes time, Barry was back with Lena, Felicity, and Barbara. Cisco walked in soon after the women got there and asked, "Hey guys, what are you doing here?"

"I have an idea to stop the Anti-Monitor once and for all, but we need our best minds here to work on this." Caitlin said.

"Ok, I am intrigued. What do you have in mind?" Lena asked.

"I think that if we can find a way to shrink him to the size of an atom, he will not be able to cause any damage anymore." Caitlin said.

"Sounds like a good idea. We will get to work on it." Felicity said as the tech group got to work on the device.

Meanwhile, back in Star City, Oliver, Laurel and Dinah were walking to meet up with Sara. When they got there, they saw that Thea was there as well.

"Any changes for either of you?" Oliver asked.

"Other than being with Nyssa now everything is pretty much the same for me other than the fact that I have another sister now." Sara said.

"So, you and Nyssa huh? Didn't think that was something that you would wish for." Laurel said.

"Yeah, it kind of surprised me to when I thought about it." Sara said.

"So, who else has any changes?" Oliver asked.

"Well, it is weird for me to say this, but Roy and I have already had Robert on this earth, so that is different." Thea said.

"Congratulations Thea. We are so happy for you." Laurel said.

"Thanks. What about you Dinah?" Thea asked.

"Other than having two new sisters, it looks like I am married to Tommy Merlyn." Dinah said.

"I guess it runs in the family then. I used to go out with Tommy on the old earth." Laurel said.

"I guess it does. We seem to be happy together, so I can't complain." Dinah said just as Barry's voice came over the comms in the bunker.

"Hey guys, we are working on a way to stop the Anti-Monitor. We should be done in thirty minutes." Barry said.

"Let us know when you are done, then we all need to regroup and get ready for this final fight. Everyone from other earths are still here as well right?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah, they are. We just need to all get make to the hanger at STAR Labs and get a plan started." Barry said.

"Sounds good. We will be there in fifteen minutes." Oliver said.

"My team will be there in fifteen minutes as well." Kara said over the comms.

Once all of the teams were together again in the STAR Labs hanger, Caitlin told them about the idea she had about shrinking down the Anti-Monitor so that he couldn't hurt anyone anymore.

"That sounds like a good idea Caitlin, let us know when everything is ready and then we will make our plans to stop the shadow demons and take out the Anti-Monitor for good." Oliver said as now all they could do was wait and be patient.

A/N: I got the idea of Alex having a baby from adfranke1. Thank for giving me that idea.

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