Chapter 7

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Ollie and Laurel were on Earth 46 looking for this group that was called Titans. They figured that they should just keep their ears open for any crimes that were going on and they might be able to find at least one of them and then they would be able to get the whole group and get out of there.

"How long have we been here Ollie? I don't know if we are going to find anyone before the anti-matter wave hits." Laurel said.

"Well, we need to keep looking until the last minutes. I am not going to leave them here if we can save them." Ollie said.

"I understand that. We just have no idea where to even start looking for these people." Laurel said.

They hear something going on behind them, so they turn around to see a kid in a burgundy suit with a black domino mask on beating up some thugs. They had finally found one of the heroes that they were looking for. They wanted to see how skilled this kid was, so they stood back and watch. They were not going to get into the fight unless the kid needed help.

Once the fight was over Ollie and Laurel walked up to the kid and Ollie said, "You did a good job there kid. Are you a member of the Titans?"

"Yeah I am. Why do you ask?" the kid said.

"We are looking to recruit them for a war that is coming. We are building an army that is hopefully strong enough for us to win. What is your name anyways?" Ollie asked.

"I am Robin. Who are you two?" Robin asked.

"I am Green Arrow also known as Oliver Queen or Ollie and this is the Black Canary also know as Laurel Lance." Ollie said.

"Well in that case I am Jason Todd. I can take you to our hideout, but I am not sure who is going to be there right now though. We are all out on patrol right now." Jason said.

"I can understand that. If it is possible though, could you get them all back to your base as soon as possible. We need to leave within thirty minutes." Laurel said.

"I will see what I can do. Let's start heading that way now. It will take a while to get there. I was the furthest away as it is." Jason said.

As the three of them were heading back to the Titans' base, Jason was trying to get in touch with the rest of the team. He was about to get in touch with most of them. He wasn't able to contact Dick though. When Jason, Ollie and Laurel got to the base, everyone looked at the newcomers wondering what was going on.

"Ok, so what is going on here and why did you bring these people here that we do not know." Hank said.

"I listened to what they had to say, and it sounded like it could be possible, so I thought it was only right to bring them here to let y'all here what they have to say as well." Jason said.

"We will listen. So, what is going on that is so important that you had to mess up our patrols?" Dawn asked.

"There is an anti-matter wave going over the whole multiverse and it is destroying all the earths. We are here to recruit you to come and fight with us. We might not be able to save all of the multiverse right now but when it is all said and done, we will be able to recreate it. We were hoping that your group would come with us and help us fight this evil." Laurel said.

"If this is really happening then why wouldn't we stay right here and fight for our world instead of leaving with you?" Dawn asked.

"Because there is no saving your world right now. I know that is hard to here, but it is the truth. I promise you that if you come with us, we can recreate this earth after this is all said an done." Ollie said.

"How do we know you are telling the truth about that? You have to prove it to us if we are to believe you." Hank said.

"Ok, something small. Tell me a teammate or someone who is dead, and I will bring them back to life for you." Ollie said and the Titans looked skeptical.

"We just lost a teammate a couple of weeks ago. Her name was Donna Troy. If you can bring her back, we will believe you." Dawn said.

Ollie looked at Laurel and smiled. All of a sudden, his eyes glowed green and a girl formed in front of him and she looked to be dead. "Is this the girl you were talking about?" Ollie asked and the team nodded.

Ollie touches her chest where her heart was and all of a sudden, the girl took a deep breath, and she was awake. The titans looked stunned, they were really surprised at what they just saw, but they now also believed what Ollie was saying.

"Ok, we believe you now. We will go with you to fight in this war." Hank said.

"Hold on a second, what are you guys talking about a war?" Donna asked.

"These people are from a different earth in the multiverse and they have come to ask for our help. He just brought you back to life, so we are going to help them now." Dawn said.

"Ok, how about some introductions so we know that to call each other." Laurel said.

"My name is Hank, this is Dawn, you have already met Jason, next to him is Rose, this is Rachael and Gar, you just met Donna of course, and Kori and Dick aren't here yet." Hank said.

"Nice to meet you. This is Ollie and I am Laurel." Laurel said.

"Nice to meet you as well. How long to we have until we can't wait any longer. I am trying to get into contact with Dick and Kori." Dawn said.

"I think we have about ten minutes." Ollie said.

"Ok, I will let them know." Dawn said.

Five minutes later Dick and Kori walked into the base and they told them the story really quickly and then Ollie did his thing and transported them all to Earth Prime to join the rest of the heroes.

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