Chapter 5

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Lois and Clark stepped out of a breach and they were in a place that was familiar to them. They were in the Daily Planet and they knew that they were in the right place because they saw Earth 99 Clark Kent walking toward them.

"Hey, I haven't seen you around here before. Are you new?" Earth 99 Clark asked.

"No, we are from out of town. We are just visiting family and we thought we would stop by here and see how this place is run. We run our own paper where we are from." Lois said.

"Well as long as you are not one of our competitors, I have no problem with it." Earth 99 Clark said.

"You don't have to worry about that. Actually, we were hoping to have a word in private with you." Clark said.

Earth 99 Clark led them to his office and when they entered Lois put on a memory ring and touched Earth 99 Clark's hand and he remembered everything.

"Wow, that was a rush. So, I guess all of the paragons ended up winning, being that you are here right now." Earth 99 Clark said.

"Yeah, they did. Everything was remade and now it is all happening again. We had time to plan this time though, so it shouldn't go as bad this time. By the way, we will need something to call you so that we don't get confused." Clark said.

"Well, I know your cousin likes to call you Kal, so I will stay as Clark then." Clark said.

"Makes since. And I think they were going to get another Superman when we left as well, so we will have to come up with something for him as well." Lois said.

"What, no Lex Luthor this time around?" Clark asked.

"Nope, he is not needed this time around because we know what we need to do this time." Kal said.

"Ok, let me finish up a few things here and then I am all your." Clark said and Lois and Kal nodded.

They left to give Clark some privacy so that he could set up everything for him to be gone for a couple of days. Lois and Kal decided to go and get something to eat while they were waiting. They stopped at on of the food trucks on the side of the street and got a couple of hotdogs and found a place to sit.

"So, how do you think Crisis is going to go this time around?" Lois asked.

"I think we are going to be fine. I also think that if something happens, we will not die like we did last time. I think they will take us all with them because they need all of us there so that the plan will work." Kal said.

"I hope you are right because I am really enjoying my life right now. I am running my own newspaper, I am married to the man that I love, and we will have a son that will grow up to be just like his father." Lois said.

"We will be fine." Kal said.

"Ok guys, I am done with my work. Let's go save the multiverse." Clark said as they all walked through a breach back to Earth Prime.

Meanwhile, Oliver and Laurel were on Earth 16 looking for any sign of heroes in Star City. It looked like the place was falling apart. That made them wonder if they were maybe in the wrong place.

"I don't understand. Sara said that there was a hero here that could help us. It looks like the criminals run this place." Laurel said.

"Let's go to see if the bunker exists here and maybe we can figure something out." Oliver said.

They walked out of the elevator so see that the bunker was dark, but it was still in decent shape. All of a sudden, they heard a voice from the other side of the room.

"Whoever the hell you are, you need to leave now, or I make you leave." Earth 16 Oliver said.

"We don't want any trouble. We are just here to get this earth's heroes to come and fight this Crisis with us." Laurel said.

"There are no heroes here. There haven't been any in a long time. I do what I can, but I am getting old and I am having trouble keeping up now." Earth 16 Oliver said.

"So, it is only you here? What happened to everyone else?" Laurel asked.

"They all died." Earth 16 Oliver said.

"Sorry to hear that. So, will you come with us and help us in this fight that we are about to face." Oliver asked.

"I don't trust people who I can't see, so how about you step out of the shadows so I can see you." Earth 16 Oliver said.

Oliver and Laurel stepped out of the shadows and Earth 16 Oliver's mouth fell open. He didn't understand what was going on. How was it that Laurel was alive and there was also another him? It just didn't make since to him.

"How is this possible? I watched you die. And you are me. This just doesn't make any since." Earth 16 Oliver said.

"We are from another earth and we were sent here to bring heroes back to fight in the war that is coming. We could really use your help." Laurel said.

"I would do anything for Laurel Lance, no matter where she is from. So, are you two married?" Earth 16 Oliver asked.

"Yeah, we are, and we also have three children." Oliver said and Earth 16 Oliver nodded.

"By the way, so it doesn't get confusing, we are going to call you Oliver and we will call our Oliver, Ollie." Laurel said and both of them nodded, knowing that it would be easier this way.

"So, when do we leave?" Oliver asked.

"Don't you need time to see if someone can protect the city while you are gone?" Laurel asked.

"There is no one other than me and I am not able to protect the city that well by myself anymore. So, it really isn't going to change anything whether I am here or not." Oliver said.

"Ok, well in that case let get back to Earth Prime and let everyone know what the plan is for this war that is coming." Oliver said and the three heroes walk through the breach back to Earth Prime.

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