Chapter 8

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While the other two teams were off working on getting more recruits for the army that they were building, Barry and Caitlin were talking to some of the other members such as Thea, Sara, and Roy.

"We need to go to Central City and find the machine that is causing the anti-matter wave and stop it." Barry said.

"Do you know where it is? We don't need to be out when Ollie gets back. He will be pissed that we did it without him." Thea said.

"Yeah, we know where it is. It is the sewers up under the streets." Caitlin said.

"Good thing Laurel and I are back so that we can go with you. If there is something that Specter powers can be used for, I am the only one who can do that right now remember?" Ollie said.

"Well, I am glad you are back then because that will probably help out, because that will make it, so no one has to die." Barry said.

"Well, it looks like all of you are doing well in your efforts to defeat the Anti-Monitor. I thought I would just sit back and observe until I saw if you needed any help. You are doing well so you don't seem to need my help." Novu said.

"Good of you to finally show up." Ollie said rolling his eyes.

"Well with the attitude that all of you have been showing me I am surprised that you would want me here anyways." Novu said.

"We don't want you here, but I guess it is good you are here in case we need your powers as well. Barry said and Novu nodded.

"Ok, let's go and stop the device that is causing the anti-matter wave before it is too late." Oliver said.

Laurel turned to her doppelganger and said, "Hey Dinah, why don't you join us? I would like to get to know you better."

"Sure. Why not?" I am bored here anyways." Dinah said.

Before they left a breach opened and Jonas and Smallville joined out by themselves. "Hey guys, where are the people that you went after?" Ollie asked.

"We only had like twenty minutes to find them. We were about to start talking to them when the anti-matter wave got to close so we had to get out of there." Smallville said.

"It's ok. We were expecting some losses here. Hopefully Kal and Kara will have better luck." Laurel said and right as she said it a breach opened and Kara and Kal walked out with a girl in a wheelchair and two other women.

"Looks like you were successful in your mission. So, who do we have here?" Ollie asked.

"My name is Barbara or Oracle, this is Helena also know as Huntress, and this is Dinah also know as Black Canary." Barbara said.

"Oh, great another us. This could only get more confusing. So, what are you going to go by, because she is going by Laurel and I am going by Dinah?" Dinah said.

"I will go by BC then. That will work won't it?" BC asked.

"Yeah, that will work. It is nice to meet you all." Laurel said.

"Well, we are going to go take out the device that is making the anti-matter wave hopefully that will slow everything down a bit." Barry said.

"Do you need any more help?" Kara asked.

"I am not going to turn it down. Let's head out. We need to get this done before all the remaining earths are destroyed." Ollie said and the team left.

The team was now in the tunnels below Central City and they found the entrance to the place that they were looking for. "Ok, Cisco. You know what to do. Let's get in there and stop this thing." Barry said.

Cisco walked over to the wall and touched the same symbols that he did last time and the door opened for them and they walked inside to see that the Flash from earth 90 was on the treadmill just like he was last time. Cisco opened a breach so that Barry could get in there and get him out like he did last time. Everyone looked up to see that Ollie was gone so they talked over a strategy to destroy the machine when Oliver showed back up with Black Lightning. He remembered everything so he started using his lightning to show the machine down. The Flash from Earth 90 looked at them and said, "Put me back in there. It is the only way."

Ollie then looked at the machine and his eyes glowed green and he destroyed the machine, and the anti-matter wave was destroyed as well. "Well, that was helpful. Wish we had you the last time around." Frosh said.

"I was a little dead last time. I didn't get these powers until after Earth 90 Flash was dead." Ollie said.

"I know. So how about we head back and see what the Anti-Monitor has planned next?" Laurel said and everyone nodded.

When the team got back to the Wave Rider, Ollie decided that it would be best for all of them to go down to the hanger in Central City where the rest of the army was.

"Why did you want us all to be here?" Laurel asked.

"Just call it a hunch. I think it is better that all of us are together just in case." Ollie said and Laurel nodded.

All of the paragons got together to discuss their strategy for what they were going to do next when the League of Assassins arrived. "Well, that will really help out against the shadow demons." Barry said and Ollie nodded.

Novu walked over to them and all of a sudden he transformed into the Anti-Monitor and said, "I have already taken out Novu. All I have to do now is destroy you and it will all be over."

"This is why I wanted us all together." Ollie said to Laurel as they looked to see the anti-matter wave start up again.

"Good luck with following us." Ollie said to the Anti-Monitor before his eyes glowed green and he transported everyone that was there with them to the vanishing point.

"Why did you bring us here? Why not just take us to the dawn of time?" Sara asked.

"Because we need to strategize before we go. We will not go into this fight without a plan." Ollie said, so they started to come up with a plan to win this once and for all.

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