Chapter 7

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Thank you for voting! This chapter is a lead-in to Chapter 8 and maybe 9. I hope you like it.


            My eyes were focused on the door, chest heaving with every breath. Sweat beaded along my hairline. My hands shook and every breath they took had my skin crawling. Why has everything been going wrong lately? Ever since moving to South Carolina, it's been one thing after another.

That was on my father though. My father has hardly been around since I was about eight years old. He's always leaving to go on business trips. I remember all the attention and love that I would get from him the few years before I turned eight. My father worked in a lab, and always brought me with him. He kept me entertained the whole time. It's where I developed my love for science.

A little before my eighth birthday though, my father started getting irritated with me and his work. I never knew what caused the change though. Maybe that was when they found out that my mother was ill. She was hospitalized a few weeks later. Then once she came home, my father started taking business trips. He'd be gone for weeks; I'd missed him at first. Then, after a while, it was like he never even lived with us anyway.

The vehicle came rolling to a stop. I pushed all thoughts of my father away and tugged on the door handle. I wanted out of the vehicle. My door was still locked. I glared at the boy behind the steering wheel. He turned towards me, his dark eyes locking on mine.

"Listen, I know that you don't really know us, and a lot has happened. There are things that you don't know though. Let Mr. Blackbourne explain it to you." His voice was gruff, but he wasn't scowling at me anymore.

"I want to go home," my words were quiet, nearly a whisper.

I'm scared. Ever since Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Green showed up at the house, I've been scared. Scared of my reaction to them and their reaction to me. Scared of myself. I knew something strange was happening to me. And I do want an explanation, but I need to getaway. I don't know how to get home. I don't have a phone; not that it mattered I have no one to call. I'm at the mercy of these strange boys that I shared some kind of connection with. I'm not comfortable with it at all.

His dark eyes softened, "if, after you've talked to Mr. Blackbourne, you still want to go home. I'll take you. We aren't keeping you prisoner."

Luke leaned a little closer, "you can trust North, Sang. You can trust all of us, but especially my little brother."

My head tipped to the side, "brothers?"

North rolled his eyes at Luke. "We're step-brothers." He focused back on me. "Are you willing to hear Mr. Blackbourne out?"

"If I say no, what happens?"

He reached back and captured my hand in his much bigger one. His skin rough and warm, yet also comforting. "We won't keep you here Sang. Not unless where you're going is unsafe. If you want to go home, I will take you."

The other giant, Silas, turned back to look at me. "Don't worry, Sang. We'll keep you safe." Black eyes searched mine. "Even from our brothers." North gave him a strange look but nodded his head in agreement.

I felt myself relax a little. Knowing that these two intimidating giants would help me melted away some of the fear. I was being overwhelmed. I went from knowing no one in this new town, not having any friends, ever really, being injured; to meeting nine new people was extremely difficult to wrap my head around. Especially when you throw in a first kiss, odd feelings, a first shopping trip, and then some threats.

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