Chapter 5

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How I picture Gabriel, but with brown hair and the two blond streaks.

I haven't edited this chapter yet. So, if you find any errors or inconsistencies, please point them out.


I woke from blinding pain in my shoulder. I was slouched over on the floor of a bright room. My eyes squinted against the light. A whimper broke free of my lips filling the silent space. I fought to move against the pain in my shoulder and the trembling of my body. My limbs didn't seem to get the message because I wasn't moving. I cried out. A knot in my stomach forced bile into my throat. Clenching my jaw, I forced myself to take deep breaths through my nose.

Spring soap filled my lungs and the event of the day before ran through my mind. I was in Owen's house. I hadn't been kidnapped. That was fantastic, but it didn't explain why the pain in my shoulder was so great. I barely managed to lift my head and take in the windowless room. I had no idea what time it was. It was unsettling not to know the time of day or even what day it really was.

The door to the room and flung open. Owen he stalked into the room like he was a hunter searching for his prey. His eyes widened a fraction when he saw me whimpering on the floor. He scooped me up pausing briefly pausing when I groaned and clutched my shoulder harder.

I'd been in a lot of pain before, but something about the wound in my shoulder seemed to go further than skin deep. It hurt more than the time that my mother broke my collar bone. I'd been punished a lot in the last several years, but none of that even compared to this.

"Sean!" Owen's growl echoed throughout the house.

The room was spinning as Owen held me, which didn't help my nausea any, but I was determined not to throw up on Owen. He didn't seem like the kind of person to take too kindly to that. Dr. Green, on the other hand, could handle it. My body must have accepted that as good enough, because as soon as Dr. Green's face came into view; I hurled at his feet.

My nose wrinkled and I coughed out an apology. Dr. Green just shrugged his shoulders and moved around the wet pile. Out of the corner of my eye, I looked at Owen. He didn't seem too bothered by the sight of my stomach contents. His eyes were focused on my face.

"She's burning up." I could barely make out the words Owen said through his growl.

Dr. Green gently pried my hand away from my shoulder, pulling the neck of my shirt out of the way and removing the bandage. He stared at the wound for a moment then poked it. Like with his finger. I was in a lot of pain and this doctor just jabbed his finger right into the sorest spot.

I meant to say "ow", but a growl ripped from my throat instead. Owen and Dr. Green looked a little startled, and I hate to admit but that made me want to smile.

Dr. Green who looked to be at a loss for words turned to Owen and waved at my shoulder. Are they sure this guy is a doctor? Owen moved one arm from around me, to bring his hand to my shoulder. His thumb rubbed over the tender skin sending a pleasurable heat through me. The heat pushed the pain back until it completely receded. I sighed in relief.

Owen stared at me. His face was blank, but his eyes were light. Dr. Green wrapped his arms around both of us giving us a hug. I blinked at him. Owen didn't seem to care. Apparently the good? doctor is affectionate. Now that the overwhelming pain was gone, I could feel the crick in my neck and the soreness on my side and in my legs. Note to self: don't sleep on the floor.

Dr. Green was crushing me, forcing me to lean further into Owen. "Are you sure you're a real doctor?"

He pulled back looking mildly offended. "Yes. Would you like to see my degree and certification?"

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