I love you

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     I ran to my dorm without thinking. I knew I liked Draco. A lot. It all went by so fast I didn't know what to do. I heard a kick on my door minutes after I arrived. I got up and answered. "Savannah please listen to me." I looked up and there he was. Why does he have to be so gorgeous? "I'm happy with you too Draco. It's really good to have a friend who I can share my feelings with." I played dumb. "Savannah. I meant-" I cut him off. "I know Draco. I just need time to think right now." I closed the door and hoped he would leave.


     I either made a bad mistake or a good mistake. I always tried to deny that I liked Savannah. I told myself everyday:

"She is a fucking mudblood. She is useless and over dramatic. You hate her Draco you Hate her."

     But then when I actually saw her, all the good thoughts were coming back:

"Her eyes are stunning. Her dirty blond hair is gorgeous. Her smile is the most magical smile I have ever seen. Her personality is so special to me"

     Whenever I was alone I thought of her fucking negatives but when I'm with her I think of all the positives. She trusts me with her drama even after I told everyone about her father. I do trust her with mine but we haven't gotten to that point in our... friendship. I knew I had to give her space to think, but how much time. Just the thought of not seeing her for even a day makes me sick.

    I need to see her. Again. I know I should give her space but I need to let her know. I began to walk back to her room when Rachel pulled me aside and kissed me. "Hello my love." I pushed her off continuing to walk. "Draco stop!" I turned around furious. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" She said. Her face disgusted me. "I never want to speak to you again you fucking whore." She slapped me. I felt nothing. I began to walk harshly up to her grabbing her neck. "Don't ever fucking do that again." As I let go I heard her gasp for air. I began to walk. I just needed to see Savannah.
      I got to her dorm. I didn't even knock as I walked in. There she was sitting on her bed with her hands in her hair. She looked up. "Draco please leave." I walked toward her, "I need to talk to you first. I promise after I will leave." She sighed. "Fine. Talk Malfoy." I smiled as I sat in her chair.

     "As you know I'm not good at all expressing my feelings. I do need to work on that. So I will start now." I sighed and stood up. Here we go. "When I see you Savannah, I can't help but feel warm inside. I get excited when you come to my dorm randomly. I know I am a horrible person. When you were gone I would think negatively about you, but then when I actually see you all I can think about is how gorgeous you are. Savannah what I'm trying to say is that." I couldn't pronounce those last words. She got up and took my hand.
     I looked into her beautiful brown eyes. "I love you Savannah. I really do." Her eyes widened. Silence. "Draco. What about Rachel?"  I smiled and pulled her into a warm embrace. "I'll always choose you. There is no me an Rachel." She pulled away her eyes filling with tears. She giggled then looked up at me, "For you Draco Malfoy. I will risk it all." I couldn't help but cry. The only thing I needed in my life I finally had.


     Draco Malfoy had a way with words. It's like in those last few moments I forgot about all the bad he has done to me. I loved him. I hated that I loved him, but I did. We hung out the rest of the night. We laughed, cuddled, made out, cried over a stupid movie. That was the best night of my life. He was anything and everything I ever wanted. I just didn't realize it before. I really just fell for Draco Malfoy.

Only you- Draco MalfoyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin