Gryffindor Party

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Destruction of the self, destroyed in love.

That word is the prefect way to describe Draco. Every day I saw him he was getting skinnier and more pale. He had lots of friends but his one true friend hurt him. Pansy was all he had. I would stare at him in the Great Hall, and see Pansy try and make him eat. He never did.

Draco stayed as far away from me as possible. He even moved seats in Potions. Every day I would walk in I would hope he would be back at his old seat making me laugh. He wasn't. I ruined it all. I haven't spoke to Hayden either. I guess we both were upset we lost Draco.

It's been months. I would cry everyday knowing that is near impossible to get him back. I would try every now and then to speak to him;

We were in the great hall. I saw him get up to use the restroom. "Hey guys I'll be back." I told the trio. I followed him, and once I saw no one was near I yelled his name. "Draco!" He stood in place. He began to walk again.This time faster.

     I ran. "Stop Draco." He stopped. When I saw his face I took a deep breath realizing he probably hasn't sleep in days. I didn't plan out what I was going to say. "I...I miss you." He rolled his eyes and walked past me to the bathroom.

Every time I would make eye contact with him I hoped he would keep it. He never did. He wanted nothing to do with me. I can't help but try. Right?

"Savannah!" Hermione walked in my door without knocking, and sat down on my bed. "What Hermione?" She got really excited. "There is going to be a Gryffindor party because Harry and Ron won their quidditch game!" I sighed. "What does that have to do with me?" She grabbed my arms and shook me.

"You never go out anymore. Come on just this once. It's for Harry and Ron." I gave in. "Fine but I'm staying with you." She let out a little squeal. "Amazing! Party starts in an hour. In going to go change then I'll be back here." Before I could say anything she left. I took a deep breath and got up.

I walked over to my closet and picked out a tight crop top that said Gryffindor on it, and a short red and white skirt. I put on a waist chain and a small chain around my neck. I wiped on some lipgloss and mascara and decided I was done. I sat on my bed waiting for Hermione.

A couple minutes later she was back. "Savannah you look stunning!" I smiled and looked her up and down. "Damn Granger you look good." She did a little twirl. "Why thank you." She was wearing a soft brown top, and brown mom jeans. She also had on a couple chains, and beautiful natural makeup. "Okay are you ready Savannah?"

I smiled. "I guess so." She grabbed my hand and brought me downstairs to the common room. The room was already full. I was surprised to see some Slytherins here. They love to party. I looked around to find Harry and Ron to congratulate them on the recent win. As I was looking around the room I spotted the beautiful blonde instead.

I took a deep breath hoping and not hoping I would run into him. "You okay?" Hermione asked. I smiled and nodded. "Fine. Let's go get some drinks." She laughed. "Okay, but I'm only having one drink." We walked over to the bar and got our drinks. As I took a sip I saw Hayden here. He was walking toward me.

     "I'll be back." I told hermione setting down my drink. I didn't want her to hear anymore about Hayden and me. It took her a while to forgive me. "Hey Savannah." I smiled. "Hey." It got kind of awkward for a few moments. I look to my left at Draco who was already on his 5th drink. "You look amazing Savannah." I pushed my hair from my face back.

     "Thank you." He stepped closer and grabbed my hand. "Can we...maybe...get out of here? Talk?" I lightly pulled my hand away and looked back at Draco. "I don't think that's a good idea tonight. Catch up later?" He awkward looked around the room and scratched his neck. "Yeah...yeah sure."

     I smiled and walked back to Hermione. "Sorry I'm back." She gave me a weird look. "Hmn okay." She took a sip of her drink. I turned around and Saw Harry and Ron. "Mind if we join you girls?" Harry said taking a seat. I rolled my eyes. "Congratulations on the win you two." They each looked at each other and high five. "A good excuse to throw a party am I right?"

     I giggled. "Yes of corse." Harry took a sip of my drink then ordered his own. "Ron what do you want?" Ron looked at Harry with a scared look. "Whatever gets me bloody drunk. Look over there." We all looked to where Ron was pointing and it was George and Angelia dancing...really really close. "Gross. Just look away!" Harry said. We all laughed as the boys took their drinks.

     I looked back over at Draco and I would tell he was completely drunk. His eyes were droopy and he was shaking. I was so tempted to walk over to him and help him back to his dorm. "Savannah come dance with me!" Harry said breaking my stare.

     "I don't know if I should." He rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand to pull me to the dance floor. The song No Role Modelz by J.Cole was playing. This was a good dance song. Once we were somewhere in the center we began to dance. I let the music take control of my body and fell in a trace. My hands went everywhere as I was feeling the music.

     I opened my eyes to look at Draco and noticed he was gone. I looked all around the room until I saw him. He was staring straight at me. I looked back at Harry and he was still dancing. I began to walk near Draco, but then I saw him kiss Pansy. The worst part was that he never broke eye contact with me.

     I began to walk closer. He pulled away from Pansy. I was right behind her when I heard Draco whisper in her ear. "I'm going to give you all my love Pansy in my fucking bed." I heard her whisper back. "Then do it." Draco saw me with a hurt look then smirked at me. I reached my hand out to pull him away from her.

     Then he whispered again. "Im gunna speed it down and slow it up." I could hear Pansy's heavy breathing. Draco took her waist and whispered something in her ear I didn't hear. She walked away to the bar. He began waking toward me. I took a step back.
     "Jealous are we?" He took his fingers and dragged them along my jaw line. I felt butterfly's in my stomach missing his touch. "So beautiful, yet so pathetic." He winked at me and stumbled away.It took me a minute to catch my breath. "Savannah!" I heard Harry's voice and turned around. "Have you been crying?" I looked down. "I have to go." I ran back upstairs to my dorm. I deserved it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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