Im sorry

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How fucking stupid am I? I have kissed a lot of girls and why do I get so fucking messed up when Savannah kisses someone? I don't know. I don't care. I am going to fucking kill Hayden. I stood up from my bed and walked to the dorm next to mine. Hayden's. I walked in and he was in bed with another girl. "Fuck you Hayden!" I walked up to him and took 2 good punches at his jaw. "Malfoy the fuck!" He sat up and turned to the Slytherin girl. "Lily leave." She looked into his eyes. "But I tho-" he cut her off. "I SAID LEAVE!"

As she got up and left I never broke eye contact with him. "You kissed her. YOU FUCKING KISSED HER!" Hayden got up and put on his pants. "I'm sorry Draco. I didn't know you fancy her." I loved her. More than the world. Which made me hate her so much. She was my weakness. "I don't- I don't fucking like her." He laughed, "That was the biggest lie you have ever told." I couldn't look at his face anymore without wanting to smash it into a wall. I walked up to him, "Stay away from her." I walked out and slamed the door.

I needed to speak to her. Now.


I felt sick. I thought Draco loved me but clearly I was a fool. He fucked Rachel. That is the worst thing he could have possibly done. I stayed in my room all day watching romantic muggle movies and crying. The notebook, Call Me By Your Name, and After were all my favorites. I wish I had someone who loved me like Elio loved Oliver, or where Hardin loves Tessa. Halfway through The Notebook, I heard a knock. "Hermione im fine okay!" I walked to the door expecting Hermione. It was him.

"Draco you need to leave." Just seeing him made me want to cry. As I began to shut the door his foot blocked it and he pushed it open coming in. "I- I just needed to see you." Maybe it was a good thing he was here. I needed to tell him whatever we had was over. Over for good.

"Draco we need to talk about us." He shot me a confused look. "We need to end whatever we had." His jaw became clenched and he was furious. "I don't give a fuck about you anyway fucking Mudblood. Whoever said I gave a shit about you? We had nothing." My eyes began to water. I needed to fight back. "Malfoy are you fucking kidding me? You said you loved me! The reason we don't work was because you never share your thoughts or communicate. YOU ALSO FUCKED RACHEL!"

I looked down and sighed. "I guess I'm just a game to you. Now fucking leave!" He became worried. "Wait Savannah!" His mouth opened but I spoke first, "It hurts to much. Please leave!" He walked closer to me and I couldn't look at him. "You know I give a fuck about you everyday." I looked into his eyes. "Please don't do this." I was begging him. If he kept talking I could never resist.

"Guess it's time that I tell the truth." He lifted my chin so our eyes met. It took everything I had to say this, "Draco it's over please leave." We stood there in silence. He was in shock. He began to close the door but he had to fit in one last part. "I never slept with Rachel. I wouldn't do that to you." He closed the door.

     I fell to the floor sobbing. He was all I wanted in this world but he just hurt to much. I couldn't trust him or ask him about his family and friends or he gets mad. It was too much.


     I fucked it all up. Maybe it was best she didn't want to see me. I would have ruined everything for her. I decided to go where I do all my thinking, The Astronomy tower. It was 8:32 pm when I arrived. I looked out into the distance. I never cried. Never. The thought of losing her made me do it though. I can't live without her.


     After The Notebook was finished I decided to go read in the library. I fixed my hair into a ponytail and put on new clothes. As I was walking down the stairs I saw Fred and George. "Hello gorgeous!" George said when he noticed me. They were sitting on the stars looking at a paper. "What are you guys doing?" They both looked at each other and smiled.

     "We have the Marauder's Map!" I looked at them confused. Fred stuck out his hand "Come here I'll show you!" I walked down the stars and sat next to them. "This is a map where you can see where everyone is in Hogwarts." As I looked down I saw everyone. Neville, Harry, Cho Chang. "This is amazing! Where did you get it?" They looked at each other and laughed. "Cant say Love."

     As I was studying the map I saw Draco's name. He was at the Astronomy tower. I got worried if he was going to do anything stupid so I got up and ran. "I'll see you guys later!" I said running away. I quickly got to the astronomy tower and walked in. He was nowhere to be seen. I walked up the stairs when I started to hear muffled cries. I ran up as I saw Draco holding his legs crying. My heart broke. I have never seen him cry like this.

     I couldn't help but walk up to him and hold him as he cried. He looked up and saw me and began to cry even harder. "I'm so sorry for everything Savannah. I can't do this without you." I began to cry with him. I needed him.

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