Beat Up

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     I woke up exited for today. I wanted ho hangout with Draco all day. Get to know a lot about him. I went to my dresser and picked out and outfit I thought I looked cute in. I put on high waisted white jeans and a blue and white checkered top. I let my hair down and put on chapstick. When I was satisfied on how I looked. I walked out of my dorm.

     Before I went to go see Draco I decided to stop by Ron's room to see how he was doing. I knew he was still hurting. I walked up to his dorm and knocked. No answer. I knocked again. No answer. I just decided to walk in because I knew he was not up yet. As I walked in I gasped. Hermione was laying in bed with Ron. They were both sleeping. They were fully clothed which was a good sign. I quietly walked out hoping not to wake them up.

     I ran to Harry's room as quickly as I could. I didn't even knock as I walked in. There he was reading. "Harry I just walked into Ron's room to check up on him and he is sleeping with Hermione. Fully clothed though." Harry's eyes widened. "How the fuck does Ron forgive everyone in an Instant?" I shook my head and sat down. "Maybe he was just THAT in love with her to realize how toxic this is. What if she is still seeing Hayden?"

     I got up and looked over at Harry. "I have to go. But we can talk later okay?" He nodded his head as I left. I went to Draco's dorm exited to see him. I knocked. As I heard no answer I just walked in. He was still sleeping. It's 9:35 usually he is up. I decided to walk over and lay down with him. He was half awake now as he put his arm around me as I cuddled up to him. I wish I could have stayed here forever.

An hour later

     I fell asleep in his arms. My eyes started to open when I realized I was with Draco. I looked up and he was staring at me. "Good morning my love." That nickname made my heart flutter with joy. I smiled snd sat up whipping my eyes. "Good morning Draco." He sat up and he pushed hair out of my face. "You look stunning  Savannah." I couldn't help but blush. I loved this. I loved every time we were together.

     I pulled the covers off me and stood up stretching.  He never took his eyes off me. "So Draco. What do you want to do today?" He looked at me and smiled. "I don't know. Stay in here all day and watch movies?" I looked at him and smiled. "That might just work." As I began scanning around his room I found his ring holder. Oh my he had a lot of rings. I began to play with them as he got up and put his arms around my waist.

     "Do you want one?" He said whispering into my ear. I got shivers down my spine. He was so close. I turned around and looked into his eyes. "This one?" His eyes widened as he saw me holding one of the ones he wears on a daily basis. "Savannah-" I cut him off. "Please? I love this one with all my heart." He shook his head and headed to go sit down. "Fine. I hated that one a way." I knew this one was one of his favorites. That's why I took it. Because now I have something he loves.
     I walked over and showed him my new silver ring. "Do you like it?" I sat on his lap and he studied my finger. "Looks better on you then it ever has on me." I smiled and stood up. "Let's watch something." I stayed in his room all day until 10:37. I loved every time we hung out. It was my favorite part of the day. I walked to my dorm. I wanted to stay in his but he said he has to go to his house to say hello to his mom.
     As I walked into my dorm there was a note on my bed.

   Dear Savannah,
             Please I really need to talk to you. Now. Meet me at my dorm please.

     This was not his handwriting. But I figured he just tried harder or something. I really didn't want to see him. But I did miss him. If Ron could forgive Hermione I guess I can with Hayden. I walked to his dorm and knocked. As the door opened someone put a brown bag over my head and shoved me to the ground. I began to get kicked. In the face, back, stomach, legs. I heard laughing but I was to busy protecting myself. "Stop! Please." It didn't stop. It went on for over 5 minutes. Then I heard someone say "Stop let's go Hayden might be back soon." There were multiple people. Maybe 5.
     I sat there on the floor with a busted lip, black eye and bruises everywhere on my body. I couldn't breath. My eyes began to close.

     When I woke up I was in the Hospital wing. Hermione, Ron and Harry were there. "Savannah of my god you're awake." Hermione said with tears in her eyes. "I promise we will find out who did this." Ron and Harry were both holding my hands. No sign of Draco. I looked over at the clock 11:48. Ge said he would be back by 12. "What happened Savannah?" Harry said with his head down. I looked at all of them explaining what happened, "I don't really know to be honest. I got a note from Hayden saying to meet me in his dorm." I stopped there when Hermione stood up and began to walk out.

     "Hermione no! It wasn't his letter! Someone else wrote it." She stopped and walked back. "Oh." I began to carry on, "As I walked in someone put a bag over my head and there we over 5 people kicking me all over for what felt like forever." Everyone's eyes were watering and Hermione began to cry. "Savannah no one should have done this to you." I smiled at her. As I was comforting Hermione Hayden walked in. Ron stood up face to face with him. "Did you know about this pretty boy? Huh? It was in your dorm." Hayden looked at me. "Savannah I didn't know anything about this. I'm so sorry."

     "You need to leave Hayden." Hermione said. I quickly responded. "No. I want to talk to him alone if that's okay." They all stared at me. Harry shook his head and they all walked out. It was just me and Hayden. "Savannah I'm so sorry. I should have been there to stop it." I ignored him, "Where were you? Whoever beat me up knew you were gone." His eyes widened. "I was hanging out with my friend Brooklyn." That didn't help at all. I wanted to know who it was. "Savannah did you see anything about the people who beat you up?" I remembered one thing, "Black shoes with green laces." His head shot up. "That fucking bitch." He ran out with fury.

     He knew who it was.

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