Boy I Loved

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2 weeks later

It's been weeks since I saw Draco. He knew I needed space. I still was in love with him. The long break was over and we are back in classes. I have been doing my work and staying focused. Even the classes I had with Draco, he was never in them. Everyone around school was talking about me and Draco's breakup. Even though we didn't tell many people, everyone knew.

I was getting ready for breakfast with Hermione. I just put on sweatpants and a t-shit. I grabbed my wand and robe and flew out the door. I quickly walked over to the table where she was sitting with Harry and Ron. "Hey Savannah! Sit here." I would usually sit by Hermione but she moved me over to the other side. Weird. "Why did you move me?"

She looked up from her food, "I just wanted to sit with Ron if that's okay." I nodded and began to eat. "So Savannah wanna go out today? We can have a girls day? Just me and you." Hermione was acting weird. Really weird. "What's going on? You never miss a school day?" She quickly got up and held her hand out. "Come on let's go!" I shook my head and continued eating. "Hermione I have a test in two days I really can't."

I quickly took my last bite. "Come on guys we are going to be late." Harry looked at Ron with a weird look. "I have to go to Potions, but I'll see you after class." Ron left and it was just me, Harry and Hermione. We walked to charms class and sat down. Harry leaned over to Hermione and I overheard what he said, "Today will be interesting for her." Hermione shot Harry a worried look and class started. What were they keeping from me?

     Eventually class was over and I quickly grabbed my stuff and left. I headed to potions and I was the first one in. I sat down and immediately began to study. This was the class I had a test in, in two days. As people began walking in I didn't even realize why it came so quiet. I looked up from my notes and saw him. I froze. He has been gone so long I didn't expect to see him anytime soon. He was staring right at me. Draco was back.

     He looked horrible. He definitely lost a lot of weight. He had bags under his eyes. His hair was a mess. The awkward staring lasted a while, until Snape broke the stare. "Welcome back Mr. Malfoy. Take a seat." He began to walk over to his seat which was at the table next to mine. My heart was pounding. I couldn't focus. I could feel him staring at me all class. I couldn't take it much longer. Once Snape dismissed us I ran out the door.

     I quickly ran to the bathroom and cried. I didn't cry because of what he did to me I cried because I probably caused him to not eat and not sleep. I knew I could never forgive him for what he did, but I can't handle seeing him like that. Not before long I heard a knock on the door. "Savannah?" I recognized that voice. Pansy.

     She transferred from Hogwarts a while back. How is she here? I didn't know she transferred back. I opened the door and there she was. "Hey Savannah. Are you okay?" Once I saw her face I immediately remembered how I made out with her that night. Shit. "Hey Pansy." Silence. No one was talking. It was just too weird. I decided to apologize. "Pansy I just really need to tell you how sorry I am for that night at the party. I didn't look before I-" I couldn't talk anymore.

     As I began to look down out of embarrassment, she grabbed my chin to stop me. "It's okay. Really it is. I was just in shock when I saw it was you...I mean I don't really know you." I laughed and nodded. "Yeah. It will never happen again though I promise." As we began to walk out of the bathroom together she whispered something. "I kinda liked it." I gave her a shocked look. I couldn't help but blush.

     The rest of the day went by fast. I invited Pansy to my dorm to hangout. We really hit it off. (As friends) When I heard a knock on the door I opened it to let her in. "Hey!" She walked in and sat down. When I got a closer look at her...she was crying. Or had been. I quickly walked over and kneeled down to her level. "What's wrong Pansy?" She looked up with puffy eyes. "Savannah. I know you hate him. I would too. But you need to talk to him. The Rachel thing isn't what you think."

     I was so confused. He fucked Rachel. I'm pretty sure it's what it sounded like. "Pansy I can't." She got up and went to the door. "Please Savannah." I didn't know what to do. Do I go? "Astronomy tower," she said leaving. Do I go and see what he has to say? Or do I leave him to rot? I made up my mind. If he doesn't have a good excuse, which is most likely to happen, then I will never speak to him again. I'll transfer if I have to.

     I quickly got up and put on shoes. I walked out my door to the Astronomy tower. I couldn't believe I was doing this. This could be a huge mistake, but I kept walking. Once I was at the bottom of the astronomy tower my heart was pounding. This would be the first time I spoke to him since we almost- never mind. I'll make it quick.

     I started to walk up the stairs and I stopped when I heard him sigh. I was close to the top. I kept walking and then I saw him. The boy I loved.

Only you- Draco MalfoyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ