Not  Jealous

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     I woke up to Draco leaning over me playing with my hair. I rolled over to meet his eyes. "Good morning." I said. He placed a soft kiss on my lips. "Good morning my love." That nickname never gets old. He quickly got out of bed and walked over to his dresser to pull out some clothes. He threw me a black t-shirt and sweatpants.

I quickly put everything on and walked over to where he was fixing his hair. He stopped and looked at me. "What?" He quickly moved me in front of the mirror and stood behind me while brushing through my hair. "I love your hair Savannah. It always smells so good." I smiled as he kept brushing through. "Have you always had your gorgeous blond hair?" I asked.

He laughed. "I have. I dyed it Green once though when I was kid." I turned around with a shocked look. "Green? Green! I knew you were obsessed with Slytherin but I didn't know you were that obsessed." He rolled his eyes and set the brush down. "Shut up im not that obsessed anymore. In fact I'm more of a Gryffindor boy."

I smiled. "That must have been hard to say." He made a sour look. "Yeah. Gross." He pulled me in for one more kiss. "Okay let's head downstairs." I nodded. We walked out his door and down his long staircase. Narcissa was in the kitchen cooking. "Oh Savannah and Draco! I have made pancakes for you two." I walked over to her. "Thank you! Is there anything I can help with?"

She shook her head. Me and Draco both sat down. A minute later she came out with the pancakes. They smelled delicious. "Where's father?" Draco asked. Narcissa's smile faded into sadness. "He...he left last night. He said he would be gone a couple of days." I looked down knowing it was because of me. It was like Draco could read my mind. He placed his hand over mine "Its not your fault my love".

     After breakfast we both sat in silence for a while. I stood up and walked over to him. "I think I am going to go back to Hogwarts to see how my friends are doing." He gave me an angry look. He stood up and walked up the stairs to his room. I knew he needed time to cool off. I quickly grabbed my wand and put in in my pocket.

     Before I knew it I was in the Gryffindor common room. I walked up the stairs to Hermione's room. I knocked, and when I heard no answer I walked in. I went to check Harry and Ron's room. I even checked the great hall. They weren't anywhere! I went back to the common room and sat on the couch. I watched  the fire waiting for them.

     About an hour later I heard a familiar voice. It was Hayden. He was talking to a random Gryffindor girl. I could tell they just shagged. He seemed surprised to see me as he walked over to me and sat down. "Hey." I smiled. "Hey." He looked into the fire as I was. "Do you ever stop shagging? I mean it's like a new girl every day." He gave me an evil grin. "Jealous much Savannah?"

     The truth is...I was. He was getting all these girls and I just needed him to stop. Every now and then I would wish those girls were me. But that thought goes away in an instant. "I'm not jealous Hayden." He giggled. "Whatever you say Savi."

     We sat in silence for a while. We both just needed the quiet. I broke the silence. "I met Draco's father." Hayden shot his head to face me. "I'm sorry." I looked down and fidgeted with the ring Draco gave me. "Yeah. He was so bad to Draco." Hayden scooted closer and placed his arm around me as I laid my head on his upper chest. "I'm assuming he was worse to you Savannah." I sighed. "He was bad to me. But Draco stopped him when he would start to mention anything about me."

     Hayden scoffed. "I bet he did Savannah." I heard the door open and I looked over to see Draco's face. He was angry. I quickly sat up realizing it was because I was leaning on Hayden. "What the fuck Savannah?" Before I could say anything Hayden stood up. "Look Malfoy we were just talking that's all." Draco harshly bit his lip trying to control his temper. "We have talked about this before Hayden. She is mine, all mine. Off limits."

     Hayden began to get mad. "She is not just yours. We happen to be good friends. What she can't even hangout with me or any of her guy friends because you're to fucking insecure?" I quickly faced him and pushed Hayden back lightly. "Stop! Both of you." They both ignored me. Draco was walking closer. He hit Hayden hard in the mouth. "Come on Hayden! Hit Back you fucking man whore!"

     Haydens's eyes went from Draco to me. He knew I didn't want him to hit anyone. "Draco you're a waist of my time, and a pathetic little boy." He quickly walked out of the room slamming the door. Draco's eyes shot to mine. "What the fuck was that about?" I was getting mad at this point. "Are you kidding? Hayden was right! Why can't we just have a friendship? It's Hayden! You're best friend he would never betray you and neither would I!"

     Draco didn't say a word. He stared hard into my eyes. Without saying a word he turned around and walked out of the room. I quickly sat back down and ran my fingers through my hair. He hated being wrong. I knew he thought me and Hayden were against him, but we weren't we both love him. I ran up to my dorm and sat on my bed. I looked out the window at the view of Hogwarts. I never realized how beautiful it was.

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