"Jiminshii, It's been so lonely here without your short ass. Oh have I missed you," he said, hugging the younger in return.

"Uh, Joonie, you might break me if you hug me a little tighter" Jimin tried to speak out.

"Oh, sorry, I just missed my little fluffy kitten" Jimin looked up at him, ready to pounce at him. "A kitten with a fierce attitude" He touched Jimin's nose and chuckled.

"Hey, have you seen-"

"Yoongi, yeah, he is in his room, probably looking at the ceiling with that murderous look."

"Thanks" Jimin ran upstairs to see his one heart, which he hasn't seen since last year summer. Yoongi was one of Jimin's soft spots. 

Jimin didn't love Yoongi as in a relationship way unless Yoongi said so, then of course- what Yoongi wants, Yoongi gets. But ever since Jimin first heard Yoongi's story and how he is very mentally unstable, due to his parents killing themselves in front of him, he was shipped to his grandparents, where they themself committed suicide. It's like no one wanted to stay with him, which triggered him into thinking no one loved him that they prefer to die than stay with him, Which was more than enough to make him go insane at a very young age till now. A fearless Yoongi, who doesn't care about dying, who will kill someone, even if they slightly breathe loud enough for him to hear, someone who no one loves. That's until he met Jimin. Jimin didn't change him though, he is still the bloodthirst man we know and will learn to love; he just learned to love someone for the first time. He loves Jimin with his whole heart, not relationship-wise, but Jimin was the only love he has, and he wasn't planning on getting another.

As Jimin was about to open the door, Jimin ducked as a bullet flew right above him. He smiled as it went through the wall.

"Yoongs, it's just me; I'm home," he said as he opens the door, and Yoongi greeted him with a gun to his chest, which was lowered, and the elder hugged him as he showed his gummy smiled.

 After a long while of them hugging, Yoongi then pointed the gun at Jimin and pulled the trigger.

"Don't" he pulled the trigger again.

"Ever" he did it again.

"Disappear" he pointed it to Jimin's head and pulled the trigger.

"AGAIN!" this time, he pointed it 1cm away from Jimin's head and pulled the trigger, only that the bullet actually came out.

Jimin wasn't scared. Yoongi didn't phase him most slightly. He's used to this type of crazy from Yoongi, and he trusted that he knew where all the bullets were. So all he did was smile, his eye smile, and nod. 

A knock interrupted them, and Jimin shouted, enter.

"Oh, good evening, sir. Just came to tell you that Miss. Lee is here to see you."

"Who is that"

"She said that you guys have a history together, and she won't leave until she sees you."

"Tell her to leave."

"I did, sir, repeatedly, but she will not budge."

"Push her out if that's what it takes."


"Okay, I'll be right down," Jimin responded.

Before the guy could leave, he was shot in the head by Yoongi, who only took up a red marker and went to the other side of the door and wrote something. Then brought it inside.

"Read, you fucker" he said, pointing the small whiteboard to the now dead man on the ground that was bleeding out. "It says NEVER enter my fucking room, did I have to underline the never" he shouted at the man on the ground.

"Chanyeol, cleaning crew in 30 seconds," Jimin shouted. "It's in Yoongi's room," and that's when everyone came rushing in, knowing that if they are at least half a second late, Yoongi will kill them. Jimin wouldn't torture them, maybe, but he doesn't kill over petty stuff.

"Let's go, Yoongi, I have someone you should slice- I mean someone nice," he said, taking the elder's arm as they went through the door like he didn't just kill a person for not reading or he didn't witness someone's life get taken away from them, with their eyes.

"Oh goody, meat or just bones," Yoongi said with his gummy smile.

"I don't know, let's see," and Jimin entered his father's office, which has been out of use ever since his injury. Jimin sat down as Yoongi roamed the office. He took the phone and called downstairs.

"Jackson, bring Miss. Lee up, please," and without leaving the chance for him to reply, he hangs up. 

Yoongi, being satisfied with seeing that the ceiling was a high one, where he can hang people without a problem, sat on Jimin's lap, waiting for this 'Miss Lee' to enter.

The door opens, and Jimin had to hold on to Yoongi's gun for him not to shoot the person for not knocking.

"Miss Lee, always a pleasure to see you here," Jimin said, smiling.

"Yeah, I heard you were back, and I know you would love to have your prized possession with you tonight," she said, smiling. As she looked at the person sitting on Jimin's lap with a blank face, her smile vanished. "Could you give us a minute, please?" 

"I don't like her," Yoongi said, turning to Jimin. Jimin tapped Yoongi's thigh, telling him to get up and sit over the other side, which he didn't; he just sat on the desk instead.

Miss Lee, or should I say Sunmi, walked 'seductively' towards Jimin, swaying her non-existent ass, and as she was about to sit in his lap. Jimin puts out his hand to stop her.

"I'm taken," he said, turning his seat.

"By who, I don't see her here."

"He isn't here, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna stay loyal."

"Oh, come on, Jimin, what does a little dishonesty gonna do." 

"Last warning Sunmi, leave."

"Or what? You won't kill me, Park Jimin," she said, folding her arm.

"Oh, I know" he then turned his seat, so it's not facing Yoongi nor Sunmi, then got up and walked to the glass window that was looking out onto the busy street, then suddenly the blinds closed.

"You really should have just left the office, Sunmi," he hummed.

"Oh, bite me," she spat.

 "I don't bite, but he will," and Jimin heard a loud gasp. Jimin hummed as he realized that Yoongi didn't use his gun this time, but he actually sliced her. His sadist side now turned on.

"Yoongi, don't you dare taste her blood." 

"Dammit," he said as he threw down the knife, "She was just bones anyways, not good blood," and slammed the door on his way out. Jimin sighed and opened back to the blinds to see Sunmi on the ground, well, in pieces. He chuckled to himself, that boy can never be clean with things. He went out of the room, very sure not to get blood on his shoes, or he'd be pissed. He went back to Yoongi's room to see Chanyeol's team still cleaning the blood.

"Chanyeol, the office needs to be cleaned too."

"Yes, sir" he nodded and walked away to his room, so he can finally change and prepare for tomorrow's challenge. 

This will be a fun year, he thought to himself.

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