I couldn't believe it when Liz Harper spoke to me.

"Thank you Ms Harper. That means a lot to me."

"Cut the Ms Harper stuff out. Its Liz."

She shook my hand and was getting ready herself.

By now the tournament director, Evette Johnson comes on the intercom and starts to welcome everyone to the Woman's Classic. She starts going lane by lane introducing all the competators. I am the last one to be introduced on our pair.

"Finally on lanes 25 & 26, making her first appearance after taking some time off, please welcome back from Florida, Rochelle Parker."

I make my way to stand next to the other ladies on our lanes and turn around to wave at the crowd that are here in attendance to watch us. As my eyes scan the crowd I land my gaze on a pair of brown eyes. Next to him I see Jamie and two other guys I don't know all wearing suits. I break my gaze from him and turn to talk to Liz and some of the other ladies. My heart is racing. I don't know if its out of anger or nervous cause he is here. I need to focus. And that is what I am going to do. I am not going to let him bother me. This is my workplace. Well so to speak.

We keep standing on the lanes until the tournament director is done introducing all the ladies here for the tournament. Then she asks everyone to stand as the national anthem is being played. Once that is done we get off the lanes and I make my way back to Travis. He gives me a hug and last minute instructions. I make my way to Matt one last time for the day. He puts his forehead to mine and we just close our eyes. Having our own private conversation between us.

"You got this sissy. Just go out there and do your things. Don't pay attention to anyone around you. You know what to do. This is your time, your moment." Matt whispers in my ear.

I took a deep breath and smiled as I opened my eyes looking at him. He made his way to his seat right next to Tyler.

"You got this Rochelle," Jamie yelled.

"Get it girl" one of the other guys that looked like Jamie said.

"Kick some tail." another guy said. You know he wanted to say a different word but there was a little girl sitting next to him. I smiled at him.

"Good luck Rochelle" I heard from Tyler. And just nodded my head.

"Prodigy." Travis called out to me.

"yeah coach"

"Fingers" is all he said. I handed him my hand and pressed my finger tips on my left hand to his and pressed them to his. This is the pressure I need to make sure I can feel the sensation when I needed to lift the ball off my hand.

Tyler POV

I got Jamie, Jordie and Demers to come with me to the lanes to watch Rochelle in this tournament of hers. We all wore suits, not knowing what to expect. But we are professionals in our sport as well so we had to make sure we look good and represent.

We get to the bowling alley and walked inside. I managed to see Matt before Jamie did and got his attention. I introduced him to Jordie and Demers and he thanked all of for coming out to support his sister.

" I still can't believe she is your sister man." Jamie said.

"Yup I love her to death. She is such a kind soul. She's had her share of issues so her being here right now is a blessing." Matt says.

All of us made it to the pair of lanes she was to be bowling on and we took our seats directly behind the lanes. She comes out and sits down with her eyes closed.

"She looks peaceful." I said a little to loud. That got chuckles from the guys but Matt said something totally different.

"Nah man, she is nervous."

"You're joking right?" I asked him

"Nope. I can tell."

Some lady comes on and welcomes everyone and starts going lane by lane introducing everyone that is here bowling. Holy hell its a lot. She introduces everyone on the pair that Rochelle is on and then introduces her next.

"Finally on lanes 25 & 26, making her first appearance after taking some time off, please welcome back from Florida, Rochelle Parker."

We all clap for her and call out for her. She makes her way out then turns to wave at everyone. Our eyes meet and we just stare at each other. And its there that I am in total awe of her. But I can't tell if she is happy or angry with me being here. She turns and starts to talk to some of the ladies on the pair she is at.

She comes back off after the national anthem is done playing and stands there to talk to some guy then to Matt. Then she looks up to Jamie, Jordie, and Demers as they wished her luck as well.

"Good luck Rochelle" I said to her. She just looked at me and nodded. She then goes and talks to the guy she was talking to first.

"Thats her coach Tyler." Matt whispers to me.

"Huh?" I looked at him

"Thats her coach. Don't worry. She'll come around. She's been burned and hurt more times than I can count. Just be honest with her and don't hurt her." Matt says

"I have been honest and look at where that has gotten me so far."

"I got you." Matt says. "You and I talked about this the other night. You are both good for each other. She does so much for others now and she needs someone there for her. And I think you will be that one. Just like I said don't hurt her."

I nodded at him and now it was time to watch the girl of my dreams do her thing.

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