Chapter 2: The Phone Call

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   I haven't been in many tournaments as in the past couple of years. Only because I gotten into a bit of trouble with my knee. I tore something in my left knee (thank goodness too because my right leg is my sliding leg). So I have been working on getting myself back into competition mode.

  So here I am at my bowling alley called Wayward Lanes. Its a Thursday night and the men's league is about to take the lanes. I make my way around to everyone to say hi and see how they are doing. Some guys ask me about how my knee is doing. I always have to be out there on the concourse when any league starts. Just to make sure there are no issues. Even though I know my assistant Manager Jennifer can take care of it. 

    "Hey Rochelle." 

  "Hey Pete, how ya doing?

 "Good thanks. How are you?"

   See this is how Pete will start. Asking me how I'm doing and what not but I know his tricks and can usually beat him to the punch.

  "I'm doing good."

"Pete its the house shot. Same as last week and every time before. You are just gonna have to figure it out."

"Fine fine."

I shake my head and walk away. He's a good guy but always tries to see what I put out there on the lanes. I swear if I change it up he might regret it and so will some of the other guys out there. 

  As I make my way back into my office, I get notified from Jennifer that I have a call on line 1.

 "Hello. This is Rochelle. How can I help you?"

"Hey there Prodigy."

"Hi Travis. What can I do for you this evening?"

"Not what you can do for me but what I am doing for you."

"Come again?"

"Well there is something we need to discuss."

"Alright stop being so cryptic and spill."  Just like him. Every time he sets something up for me he gets like this. 

"Not being cryptic. This is will be beneficial for you."

"Geeze Travis out with it already."

"So I have set up your next tournament."

"Seriously, you think I am ready to go back?"

"Rochelle, its been two years. You have been working out with Sam and getting that knee back into shape. You just have to do what the doc told you to do and wear that brace." he says. "Plus I know you have been chomping at the bit to get back. And those videos that you send me when you are practicing shows you are ready."

"When?" I am excited and so ready to get back. I just want to play it cool on the phone for him.

"Haaa. I know you better than that. Don't down play  how happy you are with me." 

"Okay okay. Yes I am excited. Now tell me already."

"1 month."


"Yes, its the Woman's Classic in Dallas, TX."


"However I am having you promote the event in Tampa. Which that will happen in 3 weeks."

"Wait. What? Why?"  Now what is he up to.

"You'll see. Have fun with your brother. See y'all out there."

With that he hangs up. Am I ready for this? Yes of course I am. I can't wait. I get to spend time with my brother and sister in law. 

  After I hung up with Travis, I put my head on my desk. What the hell is that man up to that he wants me out in Tampa to promote the event in 3 weeks.

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