Chapter 16: Several Months Later

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Rochelle POV

Ty and I talked almost ever single day. There been days where we would both be very busy so we left each other voice mail messages or even simple text messages. Just messages like I miss you, Thinking of you, you got this, or ones of simple acknowledgement if we knew we had a bad day or what not. 

I got a call from Travis and he told me that my next tournament was going to be in Vegas. The Vegas open. I was excited to say the least cause I knew Ty was going to be there too. I couldn't wait to surprise him. 

So with that being said I had called up Jamie and let him know what was going on. And he was excited to say that he was happy I was going to be there. Because Ty seemed a little off because all he could do was focus on me.

As the month was dragging on, I made sure I practiced and practiced every day. Sometimes it would be for several hours working on different angles, working on spare shots, focusing on hand position, laydown points. Travis came out several times as we worked on this. Some days I was on and some days I was off. That's normal for any bowler.

The day before I knew I had to fly out to Vegas, I called Tyler to see how he was doing. 

"Hey babe," he said after he picked up on the third ring. "How are you? I miss you so much."

"Hi darlin, I'm okay and I miss  you too. What are you doing?"

"We are getting ready to fly out to Vegas in a few hours."

"Oh." I really did try my best to act sad and I knew that he bought it just by listening to the way he sighed.

"I wish you were going to be here with me. I really miss you being in my arms."

"I know I miss you holding me too."

"Are  you going to be up later. I know the time difference is going to be 3 hours behind you."

"Ty I will make sure I answer your call. Don't you worry about that. Have a safe flight okay."

"I will baby. I will call you as soon as I land and then when I get to the hotel."

"Okay. Talk to you soon."

We hung up from each other and I called Jamie right away. I let him know the time of my flight and hotel reservations and when and where I was bowling. Jamie also told me what arena they were playing in and that he will have my ticket waiting for me at will call. And that he will have a car arranged for me to pick me up from the hotel to take me to the arena. 

The day came and I made my way to the local airport to catch my flight to Vegas.  As soon as I got to my  hotel room I called Jamie. 


"Jamie its me, Rochelle."

"Oh hi mom." 

"Let me guess Ty is with you."

"Yes mom we made it okay. Practice was a bit rough."

"Just wanted  you to know I made it to Vegas and I am at my hotel just fine."

"Ah that so nice to hear mom."

"Okay I will let you go since Ty is with you. I will see you tomorrow."

"Okay mom well I love you too and talk to you soon."

I shook my head while I hung up my phone from Jamie. I always got a kick out of him and he is absolutely a great friend to Tyler. I just hope our plan goes without an issue. Since my tournament was the day after his game.

Jamie had a car waiting for me just like he said and went to deliver me to the arena. As I got to the will call office I gave them my name and the lady behind the counter gave me my ticket. She looked at me and smiled as she told me to have a good evening. I said to her the same thing and made my way inside. 

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