Chapter: 20 Reflection

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Tyler POV

It's been a whirlwind during the past several weeks. Especially since that night in the hotel room back in Fort Lauderdale. When Jayson called me and said I needed to come to the room. When I entered and saw her the way she was broken. Not to mention completely drunk off her ass. Who drinks 5 handles of vodka on their own. But to be honest I understand. Jayson told me a lot that night. A lot about her and him. More that what Matt even knows, which I actually found surprising.  My heart broke for her. 

I made it a point that next morning to let her know exactly how I truly feel about her. And the story she told me about her actually at one time being pregnant and that lost it because of what that waste of space did to her, broke me too. I know she told me she loves me and I know she is scared. But I promised her I am not like that. And I am not. Yeah I might have been a bit of a partier back in the day and what not but people change. And I am going to show her that not every man is like her ex.

So now I am sitting out here by a local lake trying to figure out just how to show her how committed I am to her. Now granted we only been together for several months and we have been visiting back and forth when ever we get the chance. If its me going to her or her coming to me, different hotels across the U.S. 

We just finished the season and of course once again we didn't make the playoffs so its a little longer of an off season. Not that I am completely happy about it but it gives me more of a chance to figure something out.

Its getting close to Thanksgiving and I am not sure exactly how I want my idea to work.  I have called Jayson several times and he told me that everyone usually spends the holiday at her house. So I told Jayson the idea I had for her and he thought it was a good one as well. 

It's now the day before Thanksgiving and I am here in a hotel room with my family in Lakeland. I called her on the phone hoping that she answer. And when she did you could hear the chatter of voices in the background.


"Hey beautiful."

"Ty! Oh my I miss you." 

"I miss you to baby girl."

"How are you? How is everyone?"

"I'm doing good and everyone is fine. Are you doing okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay. Just wishing you were here but I understand. You have a job as well as I do and it keeps us both pretty busy."

Okay so I may have told her I had some work obligations I had to attend to and what not. Its all part of my plan to surprise her tomorrow. So we talked for a few hours longer and it was time for us to call it a night. I knew she didn't want to go and  didn't want to let her go either but all good things that come to those that wait right?

Thanksgiving day

I wake up for everyone and go to a local café that is down the street from the hotel and grabbed breakfast and coffees for everyone. By the time I got back everyone was already up. We sat around talking for a few waiting for Jayson to call me to let me know when we all needed to be there. 

We got ourselves ready and headed out when the call came in. Everyone was excited but I was the most nervous. I haven't seen her in a few weeks and hopefully she loves my surprise. We piled into the car and headed over to her house. Dad was in the front seat with me while my mom and sisters were in the back.  I brought her flowers while mom and the girls got some deserts and dad got beer for everyone. 

As we arrived to her house I saw Jayson standing outside the house talking on the phone. At least that was his excuse when I messaged him letting him know we were pulling up to the house when we were 5 minutes out.

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